cycle opinion


New member
what's up guys I need some opinions on the following cycle I plan on running. Russian Dbol weeks 1-4, 8-12, and 16-20 at 25-30 mg per day. Testoviron 250mg every 5 days weeks 1-20, Yellowtop Deca 200mg every 5 days weeks 1-20, Equipoise 200mg every 5 days weeks 1-20, and proviron 50mg weeks 1-20. I need some opinions on this, thanks alot.
Looks like a smorgasboard of gear thrown everywhere.

Do you already have this stuff?

The deca and eq at those dosages are going to be a waste IMO.

Your cycle needs a lot of work...especially if you want to go 20 weeks.
Def need some work

just keep it simple bro

test 500mg/wk 1-20
EQ 400-600mg/wk 1-20
dbol @30mg/ed 1-5

i dunno if you want to run Deca for 20 weeks...ouch!!!
Also you dont need all that dbol in there, remember you still want a liver after this thing is over lol j/k bro
Well I will bump for some more replies
fatchops said:
Def need some work

just keep it simple bro

test 500mg/wk 1-20
EQ 400-600mg/wk 1-20
dbol @30mg/ed 1-5

i dunno if you want to run Deca for 20 weeks...ouch!!!
Also you dont need all that dbol in there, remember you still want a liver after this thing is over lol j/k bro
Well I will bump for some more replies

Aah, ok, this is definitely something more normal, even if 20 weeks is an unusually long cycle:rolleyes:
economan said:
what's up guys I need some opinions on the following cycle I plan on running. Russian Dbol weeks 1-4, 8-12, and 16-20 at 25-30 mg per day. Testoviron 250mg every 5 days weeks 1-20, Yellowtop Deca 200mg every 5 days weeks 1-20, Equipoise 200mg every 5 days weeks 1-20, and proviron 50mg weeks 1-20. I need some opinions on this, thanks alot.

thats a weird cycle...
if you are a first-timer i would go with long-acting test ester, 500mg for 10 weeks....all that shit you have there looks very "different" from other cycles...

But since you didnt pasted stats etc its hard to give you info...
Thanks for the responses. My stats are 5'9'' 215-220lbs around 8-10% bodyfat. My previous cycle was Sustanon at 250mg per week for 8 weeks. I would rather keep the doses low to moderate and extend the cycle for a longer period of time. I would greatly appreciate additional opinions on this cycle. Thanks alot.
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