cycle question for my bro....


just kicking this around....any suggestions...his stats are good, and cycle history if fine with 4 under his belt...mostly sus and stanabol gigs...

he was thinking of running the following:

500mg test enan 1-10 weeks
500mg EQ 1-10 weeks
dbol 1-4 weeks

he has a ton of anavar and he could run it at 50mgs ed for the whole gig or substitute it for the dbol....

he has all the proper ancilleries etc....

Really you could go both ways. Anavar (var) is only mildly toxic to the liver so he could probelly get away with running both if he wanted. Or he could do something like this

Week 1-10 Test enanthate 500mg ew
Week 1-10 Eq 500mg ew
Week 1-4 dboll
Week 5-13 Anavar (var)

Lots of options there, just make sure he uses the Anavar (var) to his advantage b/c the Eq and Test will take 2-3 weeks off before he can start post cycle meds, so what ever he does I would have him run the Anavar (var) up till that point.