cycle question


New member
im 2 weeks into my bulk cycle of:

1-10 600mgs enanthate(LFC)
1-10 600mgs deca(LFC)
1-5 50mgs ed dbol(IP)
6-12 50mgs Winstrol (winny) ed (IP)

right now im 210lbs with about 14%bf i want to bulk up to about 230lbs.Im following this cycle with a cutting cycle and im wondering if this would do the trick.

1-8 75mgs fina ed
1-8 50mgs prop ed
clen/t3 (not sure how to run them or where to fit them in):afro:
I haven't used T3 or Clen myself but here's a quote from a knowlegable bro over at Canadian juice monsters.I'd run it the last 6 weeks of your cycle.

Here is a clen / t-3 stack Ive used with great success, and the results were quite dramatic. This is using 90 tabs of CLENBUTEROL 20mcg & 100 tabs of CYTOMEL 20mcg.

Day 1/ 2 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 1
Day 2/ 2 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 1
Day 3/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 1
Day 4/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 1
Day 5/ 2 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 1
Day 6/ 2 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 2
Day 7/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 2
Day 8/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 2
Day 9/ 3 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 2
Day 10/ 3 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 2
Day 11/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 3
Day 12/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 3
Day 13/ 3 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 3
Day 14/ 3 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 3
Day 15/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 3
Day 16/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 4
Day 17/ 4 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 4
Day 18/ 4 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 4
Day 19/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 4
Day 20/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 4
Day 21/ 4 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 4
Day 22/ 4 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 4
Day 23/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 4
Day 24/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 4
Day 25/ 5 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 4
Day 26/ 5 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 3
Day 27/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 3
Day 28/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 3
Day 29/ 5 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 3
Day 30/ 5 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 3
Day 31/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 2
Day 32/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 2
Day 33/ 5 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 2
Day 34/ 5 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 2
Day 35/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 2
Day 36/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 1
Day 37/ 6 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 1
Day 38/ 6 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 1
Day 39/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 1
Day 40/ zero clen / Cytomel (tab/day) 1
Day 41/ 6 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 0
Day 42/ 6 Clenbuterol (tab/day)/ Cytomel (tab/day) 0

* keep diet in check and 30 mins cardio 4-5 x per week
I would say just run the fina and prop. Combine those with a good diet and you have a great cutter.
prop and fina work very well. i would also add a 30 or 60 day t3 cycle and run the clen 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off...
ironfist said:
prop and fina work very well. i would also add a 30 or 60 day t3 cycle and run the clen 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off...

Agree with the 2 weeks on/off for the clen. I don't think the 2 day on/off cycle above is the way to go, the 1/2 life is 35 hours.

I'm getting ready to throw T3 in too, going to ramp up while off clen to judge the T3 impact on me, plan to go to 4 tabs/100mcg per day. Plan to run for a total of 6 weeks, 3 of which will be a slow ramp down ending at 6.25mcg.