Cycle questions :). (First ever post so not to sure how all this works)


New member
Hey guys just asking some questions about my up coming cycle, decided to join the forum for further understanding of steroid use so here's my story,

Be lifting for 3 years
5f 9" 175cm roughly
Start weight 58kgs / 127lbs
Current weight 78kgs / 171lbs

1 year ago I was approached by a friend and asked if I would like to use steroids, I agreed :(

I bought 3 vials of test e 300
Over the next 12 weeks I was told to use 1ml every 3 days
All was going fine, I was making good gains (started at 68kgs / 150lbs)
Until about 2 weeks from the end, became very very ill, could get out of bed for 2 weeks and lost all my gains in that time

Over the next 5 months I was sick with all kinds of infections and fevers

I finally became healthy and decided to have a another go.( this time with a lot more reserch)

2nd cycle, injections every 3 days

Week 1 : .6ml of sust 250
.5ml of deca

Week 2 : .8ml of sust 250
.5ml of deca

Week 3-10: 1ml of sust 250

Week 6 I started to use tren A at .6 every 3rd day until I was finished
2.5 weeks of all injections then started pct momofen ( novadex )
1-2 weeks 40mgs
2-4 weeks 20mgs

The cycle was put together with all the information from the local guys from the gym and was wondering if there's anything I should change do different?

So no Aromatase Inhibitor?

Can you express things in milligrams in the future. ml's don't mean much since everything is at different concentrations.

How often are you pinning the Sust?

You should pin Tren A at least EOD as it is a short ester. Some even do it daily.

No Dopamine Agonist for the Deca and Tren?

Why such an advanced cycle given that you are a novice? Are you confident that you can manage sides like estradiol and prolactin? If not you have no business using Tren yet.
Wy are you only using Deca for two weeks? That is pointless given the ester. Complete waste. It takes about 6-8 weeks to even kick in.
So Weeks 3-6 are just Test at 250mg per week? That is essentially just slightly more than a TRT dose. Why shut your HPTA down for a TRT dose.

Your cycle makes no sense. The longer I look at it the worse it looks.
Hey sorry I wasn't clear this maybe alittle better I hope

So sust 250 2x a week = 500mg/week for the entire time 10weeks

Deca 250 2x a week = 400mg/week
Used for 6 weeks

After 6 weeks finished with tren A 120 2x a week for 4 weeks
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I was looking to do another cycle but was going to leave out tren and obviously get a better understanding of how things should be done

I'm ok with the sides I guess, just alittle bit depressed and tired when I first come off but that's usual isn't it?
I'm not so experienced with 19-nor's but have been looking into the use of Tren or Deca (haven't decided which yet) for my next cycle.

Given that... you should definitely have a dopamine agonist on hand when using any 19-nor. Pramiprexole or Cabergoline are good choices. Research those.

Deca, is just a commonly used term to refer to a certain ester of Nandrolone - AKA, Nandrolone Decanoate. There is actually NPP, or Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate, a short ester of "Deca" that works much faster. I am stressing this to you OP because of your clear lack of knowledge on the chemical. This is why Megatron was like... "why did you run it for 2 weeks?" Waste of time, money, and health.. tbh. Furthermore, ESTER's are very important to understand.. among all chemicals (test, tren, mast, deca, etc.). They determine the amount of time it takes for said drug to be at a certain concentration (dose dependent), and are crucial to timing your PCT for optimal recovery as it and other drugs leave your system.

Please before starting another cycle research. I'll give you a little checklist.

-Everything you can find in this site's stickies!
-Aromatase Inhibitors
-Dopamine Agonists
-Proper cycle formatting
-Anything else you can get your hands on around here!

Best of luck! Never stop learning, and don't just take your buddies word for it, or the other gym rats, or ESPECIALLY a dealer's word for it. Most are either ignorant to the proper use of steroids, are not out for your best interest, or both. People around here have no reason to misguide you, there is nothing to gain in doing so. Don't stop asking us stuff either! Glad you joined and shared.
I did edit some of the thread if you wanted to have another look and tell me what you think?

Yeah I'm pretty well the only one out of all the guys at the gym that has done any research (blind leading the blind)

But that's for them pointer I have already had a look into them :)
I did edit some of the thread if you wanted to have another look and tell me what you think?

Yeah I'm pretty well the only one out of all the guys at the gym that has done any research (blind leading the blind)

But that's for them pointer I have already had a look into them :)

Dang... so how long did you wait to do the PCT? Like.. RIGHT after your last pin of Tren and the Sust? And, that is not a good PCT at all.. where was your Clomid? There was no HCG during cycle either.. unfortunate for someone looking to actually recover from their cycle.

Ramped up your Sustanon for what reason? Feeling out the side effects?

I recommend a single ester from now on, with a KISS approach. Keep it simple stupid. Sustanon has a lot going on, 3-4 different esters.. all entering and leaving at different times. More esters doesn't mean a better drug (just more confusing).. 250mg of test is 250mg whether it's from 1 ester or 10 esters.

If your Tren Ace was 100mg/ml like MOST (not all are though, this is why Mega mentioned mg's not ml's.. concentration varies from lab to lab).. I'm guessing your .6ml was 60mg E3D though? or about 130-150mg a week? That's honestly a pretty measly dose of Tren. Most will do 50mg ED, or 75-100mg EOD.


You need to chill on cycling for a minute and get everything in order.. for you and your friends sakes. Read as much as you possibly can. Put a few mock cycles together on paper.. ask the forum "does this look appropriate", and post up something for the forum guys to critique for you. Always ask why, and then listen closely.

Go read stickies until you can put together something noteworthy :)
I waited 2 weeks before I started pct :/

I'm already getting things sorted for my next cycle but I going to wait until I have all the ingrediance before starting haha including pct

I'm all the way from Australia and there isn't some of this stuff available manly the pct side of things :(

I don't understand though some of the boys at the gym are competition ready and competing... They are using the same things I am?

Unless they are doing damage to there body's by not doing there cycles properly which it sounds like they are doing?
Also I stopped using tren because I couldn't sleep properly and was having really strange visions I guess you could call them when my eyes where closed ?

Ever experience anything similar?
I've never used Tren. It is known widely for it's incredible results and it's plethora of possible side effects.

Only reason I do know dosing and necessities is because I'm planning my next run to include it. :)
Snake: you need to start from the ground up in building you knowledge. As you can see, you are doing some things that are very bad. We are not going to spoon feed you though. You need to put in some effort on your end and hit the books. We have pointed you in the right direction. Everything you need to read can be found on this site.

We don't expect you to be an expert when you are done reading everything. But you will have the basic knowledge in place at that point for us t all have a meaningful conversation. Right now the things we are trying to tell you are not resonating.