Cycle suggestions after a long break

Muay Thai

New member
It has been 3 years since my last cycle. Had enough with the hibernation, so it is time to design a mild cycle suitable for my refreshed receptors.

In my stash I have Sustanon, Primobolan, Boldenone, test prop and will be getting some Turinabol soon. However I am not sure about the quality of Boldenone and Test prop in my stash so I was planning to do a simple cycle with 500 Sustanon 400 Primo and some Turinabol as kickstarter.

I haven't been following forums, reading articles so I don't know what's new in the aas world. Do you guys think think this cycle is sufficient or can it be designed in a better way?

PS. Not trying to waste all my bullets as I have plans for a harder cycle later on with HGH, Tren etc.
aright lets get some basic info

cycle history
goals with the next cycle
aright lets get some basic info

cycle history
goals with the next cycle

68kg / 150lbs
178cm / 5'10"
4 cycles previously (test, primo, deca, bolde, tren, hgh etc)
I don't know my exact bodyfat but it's low except around my waist lately
Goal is to bulk up and gain strength and prep for a cutting cycle.
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