Cycle- test-eq-fina-winny


New member
I'm thinking about starting a Test, Eq, Fina, Winstrol (winny) cycle . . . I've been struggling to get big, i've tried alot of shit but most of it has turned out to be fake, only thing thats ever worked for me was eq and deca. I'm currently 6'3 210 pounds, i just want to fill up a little more with about 15 pounds . . . I was thinking:

Week 1-10 500mg Test Cyp
Week 1-12 500mg Equipois
Week 6-12 150mg Fina EOD
Week 6-12 100mg Winstrol (winny) EOD

and would i be able to mix the fina and winny?
Yea fina and the Winstrol (winny) can mix, But you can also take the Winstrol (winny) orally. Take something for your liver, with the fina and the Winstrol (winny) it will be harsh on your liver.
how many cycles have you ran in the past? I started out being a hardgainer also, looking back I know realize that adding this or that to a cycle is not going to make the difference between being big or small. Its all about diet. I would drop the Fina or winny.
Njuice said:
I'm thinking about starting a Test, Eq, Fina, Winstrol (winny) cycle . . . I've been struggling to get big, i've tried alot of shit but most of it has turned out to be fake, only thing thats ever worked for me was eq and deca. I'm currently 6'3 210 pounds, i just want to fill up a little more with about 15 pounds . . . I was thinking:

Week 1-10 500mg Test Cyp
Week 1-12 500mg Equipois
Week 6-12 150mg Fina EOD
Week 6-12 100mg Winstrol (winny) EOD

and would i be able to mix the fina and Winstrol (winny)?

Why not just do a Cyp/Eq cycle and finish of with Winstrol (winny)? I don't think you would need the Tren for the results that you are lookin for!

Week 1-10 500mg Cyp
Week 1-12 500mg Eq
Week 10-15 50mg/ed or 100mg eod Winny
Week 16 Clomid
I actually really wanted to use the tren, I've heard really good things about it. How much more of an affect does tren and Winstrol (winny) have rather than just doing one of them ... I tried an eq test cycle, the test turned out to be fake so that really went to shit, didn't get the results i wanted from it ...
doesnt eq take 2-3 weeks to clear your system? wouldnt it be better to run it so the eq stops at week 10 with the test?
FTC said:
doesnt eq take 2-3 weeks to clear your system? wouldnt it be better to run it so the eq stops at week 10 with the test?

Your right FTC, if he decides to go with his proposed cycle he should actually start the Tren/Winny on week 7 and finish on week 13 allowing him to jump onto clomid therapy a few days after his last shot of Tren/Winny. That is the reason why on the cycle I posted above I had it ran like that!
Njuice said:
I actually really wanted to use the tren, I've heard really good things about it. How much more of an affect does tren and Winstrol (winny) have rather than just doing one of them ... I tried an eq test cycle, the test turned out to be fake so that really went to shit, didn't get the results i wanted from it ...

Well the both combined should give some serious lbm., I just don't really think that you need 4 AS to get the results that you want. What you can do is just drop the Winstrol (winny) and do the Tren instead.:)
if your jsut looking togain some size, drop the Winstrol (winny) run teh tren 3 weeks past the eq and maybe use some dbol in the beginning. i was using prop, tren eq as a bulker and in the first 3-4 weeks on it my weight didnt change at all i lost some fat and gained some muscle. and this was with me eating everything in site. too bad i broke the bottle and had to stop right when the eq was starting to kick in.
I've done a couple deca only cycles, i've tried test but it turned out to be fake, and i've dont eq ... I just want to put on some size and get the vascular look . thats why i was thinking about mixing the tren and winny,
Njuice said:
I've done a couple deca only cycles, i've tried test but it turned out to be fake, and i've dont eq ... I just want to put on some size and get the vascular look . thats why i was thinking about mixing the tren and Winstrol (winny),

def keep that Winstrol (winny) and fina in there at the end. It will harden you up and get you strong and put on some LBM. I am trying Winstrol (winny) for my first time well see how it works
Thanks for all the replys .. but i got one more question , is the eq really necessary or should i just run test Winstrol (winny) and tren?