Cycle Thoughts - HGH+Test Enanthate+Anavar


New member
Just looking for some feed back and thoughts on my cycle before I start.

  • 5 days on 2 days off
  • first week 2iu
  • next 18 weeks 4iu

Test Enanthate
  • Starting week 3 finishes week 10
  • injection mondays and thursdays
  • 100mg each injection so 200mg/per week

  • Starting week 9 finishes week 18
  • 5 - 10mg tablets every day - 50mg per day

  • Starting week 4 ending week 19
  • injected mondays and thursdays
  • 100iu per injection - 200iu per week

Clomid to finish out after 19 weeks.

Let me know your thoughts.

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So basically looks like you are looking to do TRT with a little Anavar thrown in. Sound about right?

How old are you? Height? Weight? Body fat %? Years training? Goals? Previous cycle history if any? We need to know all this to be able to give you good advice.

HGH takes longer than 18 weeks to have an effect.

Have you read the sticky threads yet?
Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I will review the Sticky Threads, here is the other information below

Gender - Male
Age - 31
Weight - 197
BF% - 15%
Training for over 10 years, with breaks in between

previous cycles - nothing injectible within past 2 years, 1-2 Anavar cycles in that 2 year time frame
Also noticed with additional test i have significant change in mood at times, not something i am looking to replicate as most of us can udnerstand and some acne.
I tried to stay away from test due to potential hair loss so used something more mild like Anavar.
I notice decent gains and results from taking 5-8 Anavar daily. with no noticeable side effects
I am very quick to drop weight and get back into training form so my body reacts very well with additional help. Energy from caffeine and ephedrine alone have pushed me harder.

The goal is to put on some size in regards to muslce mass. The leaner you are the bigger you tend to look so going up or down 5lbs would not be a concern for me if it happened.

I do also have several slipped disks where the disk has started to develop a tear, thus lose of fluid and causing pain due to compression. I am hoping that the HGH will help with some repair as well.

With that being said what would you recommend to change or possibly add?
I have been reading that 4-6mths is the time frame for HGH to take effect, what are your thoughts for running HGH

Thanks in advance
First of let me note that people are on this site looking for help, not rude comments from someone like yourself.

I am here to seek the expertise of those who are experienced and willing to offer their help and criticism. If you are not willing to do this, then I am not sure why you are even posting in regards to my question.

The reason I am on here is to look for constructive criticism and help with ensuring that I don't make the same mistakes that so many people do make. So thank you for pointing that out

I have reviewed the link you attached and it really provided me with nothing that I already didn***8217;t know.

I apologize that I am not an avid user of steroids and don't run cycles every year.

If you are willing to provide some guidance and help with what I have posted great I am more than willing to listen and take your advice, if not please leave the discussion board open to those who are looking to help me

First of let me note that people are on this site looking for help, not rude comments from someone like yourself.

I am here to seek the expertise of those who are experienced and willing to offer their help and criticism. If you are not willing to do this, then I am not sure why you are even posting in regards to my question.

The reason I am on here is to look for constructive criticism and help with ensuring that I don't make the same mistakes that so many people do make. So thank you for pointing that out

I have reviewed the link you attached and it really provided me with nothing that I already didn***8217;t know.

I apologize that I am not an avid user of steroids and don't run cycles every year.

If you are willing to provide some guidance and help with what I have posted great I am more than willing to listen and take your advice, if not please leave the discussion board open to those who are looking to help me


I am not trying to be a jerk, but if you know all that stuff already, why would you run an oral-only cycle being that you are a male? What did you think would happen when you shut down your testosterone and didn't put any back in you effectively making you hypogonadal? Why would you propose running a TRT dose for a cycle?

If a full head of hair is really that important to you and you are predisposed to male pattern baldness, then using AAS is probably not for you.

Please read the sticky threads and build your foundation of knowledge about AAS. Guys here love to help others; but nobody likes to spoon feed guys. Once you have gone through the stickies and learned the basics of putting a cycle together come back to this thread and we can help you with the details.
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my last post was not noted towards you megatron, i have been waiting for you reply to see what i should be looking at adjusting/adding.

was refering too tbonexl

my apologies for the confusion
my last post was not noted towards you megatron, i have been waiting for you reply to see what i should be looking at adjusting/adding.

was refering too tbonexl

my apologies for the confusion

While Tbone could have said it in a nicer way, what he said rings true. And he gave you good advice in encouraging your to read the stickies. You would be smart to listen to him.
I would change yur HCG to 500-800iu /week from my experience.
add an AI
Don't pay attention to the posts like from those high school girls on here who act like this is their own self-confidence boosting playground. :)
I went back and reviewed the post for safe usage, the problem i see with what i was doing was i wanted to take the good stuff without taking the important stuff to ensure my body maintained a level of natural testosterone production as well having an AI. As well as a proper PCT

After review and more reading this is what I came up with;

Week 1-12
HGH - 4iu 5 on 2 off Monday,Friday ( Ran for 6+mths)
TEST E - 125mg 2xwk Mon/Thurs
HCG - 250iu 2xwk mon/thurs - restore normal testosterone levels
Arimadex - 1mg daily - AI
Finestride - 1.25mg every other day - Proscar

Week 4 - 15
Anavar - 50mg daily

Week 15-19 PCT
Clomid - 50mg daily
Nolvadex - Declining 40mg for 2wks / 20mg for 2wks daily

Test for 12 weeks, 2.5 week off until PCT is started.
Anavar is ran up until 2 days prior to PCT starting

Personal stat review
Age - 31
Gender - Male
Weight - 195-200
BF - 14-15%

minimial weight changes 5-10lbs
lean Mass with increases of strength and Stamina

If I am missing anything or dossages should be altered or changed please let me know.

I went back and reviewed the post for safe usage, the problem i see with what i was doing was i wanted to take the good stuff without taking the important stuff to ensure my body maintained a level of natural testosterone production as well having an AI. As well as a proper PCT

After review and more reading this is what I came up with;

Week 1-12
HGH - 4iu 5 on 2 off Monday,Friday ( Ran for 6+mths)
TEST E - 125mg 2xwk Mon/Thurs
HCG - 250iu 2xwk mon/thurs - restore normal testosterone levels
Arimadex - 1mg daily - AI
Finestride - 1.25mg every other day - Proscar

Week 4 - 15
Anavar - 50mg daily

Week 15-19 PCT
Clomid - 50mg daily
Nolvadex - Declining 40mg for 2wks / 20mg for 2wks daily

Test for 12 weeks, 2.5 week off until PCT is started.
Anavar is ran up until 2 days prior to PCT starting

Personal stat review
Age - 31
Gender - Male
Weight - 195-200
BF - 14-15%

minimial weight changes 5-10lbs
lean Mass with increases of strength and Stamina

If I am missing anything or dossages should be altered or changed please let me know.


Will be no need to run 1 mg of adex ed. Start off with .25 eod atleast. (You also don't want to completely kill your estrogen levels) (Just manage it) The sides for what you are taking will be very minimal. You probably wont even see any. Again as others have said, it seems you have some more reading to do. You will get a few bad apples on here who just seem to like to hassle people.
Anavar shouldn't be ran up to pct. Like mentioned, your adex dose is too high. Again, your trt dose of a cycle is kinda a big waste. Your not going to restore your natural test with 12 weeks of a synthetic test then another 3 weeks of var after your last pin. Not sure where your getting your ideas from.

This is the internet, people. If u walked around saying shit that made no sense, somebody will call u out on it and your lil feelings will get hurt. So why would it be any different here??? Do your research and you probably wouldn't need to start threads much like this one. Here, we got somebody who is either trying to reinvent the wheel or hasn't done much research at all. Back in the day u couldn't Google whatever to get an answer. It was trial and error.
Why do you want to run a TRT (replacement) dose of test? Why not try to achieve supra physiological levels? I just don't get why you would shut down your HPTA to just get back to where you basically are Natty.

And I agree with others. You still have a lot of things that are way off in this proposed cycle.
200mg a week of test???

take it up to 400mg.. use a dht blocker if you are worried about hair loss..

shit i cant wait till all my hair falls off.. i'd rather just shave my head and get some laser hair removal on it lol
Nothing wrong with trying out 200-250mg of test but from my experience 300 might be the starting dosage for test.
-Might be worth it to read up on whether I'm right that dosing your 4iu of GH divided into 3 seperate times per day is more beneficial. I think it is ...
-I would imagine your AI dose would be much lower (if anything at all )if you're gonna stick with 200-250mg. U might use proviron instead but its tough on the hair. Too much AI can ruin your day real fast.
-IMO starting your HCG in the 4th week sounded` like a good idea
- I wouldn't wanna be on anavar alone for 3 weeks (although Ive never used it before)so I would keep the test for a extra week or 2 . The AI will help lose some water retention you're probably worried about .

Otherwise , test and GH really is a wonderful combo. Not sure what your plans are but test +GH=feeling good
I'm on clomid now and it suks . :(
Anavar shouldn't be ran up to pct. Like mentioned, your adex dose is too high. Again, your trt dose of a cycle is kinda a big waste. Your not going to restore your natural test with 12 weeks of a synthetic test then another 3 weeks of var after your last pin. Not sure where your getting your ideas from.

This is the internet, people. If u walked around saying shit that made no sense, somebody will call u out on it and your lil feelings will get hurt. So why would it be any different here??? Do your research and you probably wouldn't need to start threads much like this one. Here, we got somebody who is either trying to reinvent the wheel or hasn't done much research at all. Back in the day u couldn't Google whatever to get an answer. It was trial and error.

so basically what your telling me is increase my test, don't do anavar and reduce my AI?

The only reason for the extra 2.5 weeks of var is due to it taking 2.5 weeks for the test to leave my system, so I would maintain that in the meantime, stop 2 days prior and move on to the PCT. that way everything is out of my system

Hey, whatever floats your boat. You got some pretty good advice from everybody here. Take it or leave it...