Cycle Tip!


New member
I've been posting a lot of threads maybe cause i'm confused on what to take there a lot of god stacks just wanted to see which one is best

170 pounds
24 years old
training for 6 years now

Previous cycle: Took 100mg dbols for 4 weeks (oral only) big mistake! Took forever to get rid of bitch tits plus i was having a lot of pain in my sides. Gained a good 15 - 20 pounds kept about half. Wasn't worth it, don't want to mess with Dbols again haha

New cycle:

Week 1: 500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday)
Week 2: 500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday)
Week 3: 500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday)
Week 4: 500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday)
Week 5: 500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday)
Week 6: 500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday) 40 mg Anavar ED, Arimadex .25mg EOD
Week 7: 500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday) 40 mg Anavar ED, Arimadex .25mg EOD
Week 8: 500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday) 40 mg Anavar ED, Arimadex .25mg EOD
Week 9: 500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday) 40 mg Anavar ED, Arimadex .25mg EOD
Week 10:500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday) 40 mg Anavar ED, Arimadex .25mg EOD
Week 11:500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday) 40 mg Anavar ED, Arimadex .25mg EOD
Week 12:500mg Test Cyp (250mg Monday & Thursday) 40 mg Anavar ED, Arimadex .25mg EOD

Anavar is from Biochem Lab
If there's anything wrong with this cycle just let me know! also tell me what I can see as results on this cycle.
Looks good to me except for the anavar,i would step it up to 50mg/day,that dose has done well for should have a good cycle,just dial in your diet and looks good.......what about your PCT?

after week 12,wait 2-3 weeks and start it

Dbol has its place and should always be run next to test. Just out of curiosity did you run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your first cycle.

Second cycle looks much more thought out.
noo I didn't even take post cycle therapy (pct) after my Dbol cycle thats why I was that cycle was pretty much a big mistakes didn't take any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or anything