

New member
Test E, 400 Mg week (1-15 weeks)
Deca D, 300 Mg week (3-13)
Anavar 50mg ED week (5-15)

lemme know how it looks for a nice solid bulk.
what are your stats? How many cycles do you have under your belt?
Id bump test to at least 600mg a week. And deca at 400mg. that is if u have some cycles under ur belt.
Wanted to make sure i didnt have a bad reaction to the test since its from a new source. Introducing it to my body in 2 waves so i know which one would have bad effects ect.
I got my post covered, Nolva,Clomid, Arimidex for emergency, HCG.

2nd real cycle


12% BF
Doesn't look bad, you'll probably know by the first week if you have a reaction to the worried about test flu? So i would start the deca at week 2 since it takes so long to get going. And if it were me id run test at 500mg. should be solid tho.
start the deca and test together buddy youll need prami or caber for the prolactin. finish the deca 2 weeks b4 the test, id run the Anavar (var) the last 6 to 8 weeks max of the cycle, 15 wks is too much bud. and run it 60mg and then bump it up to 80mg last 2 weeks.
gd luck hope it all goes well