Well-known member
where you been hiding Nightmare007 and your replying to alot of year old post, welcome back.
WTH is going on here ^^^

where you been hiding Nightmare007 and your replying to alot of year old post, welcome back.
I am just about to start my first cycle and a friend of mine is saying I should run tren and test enanthate together, test e at 500mg a week in two pins and tren e 200mg a week in two pins. I've got my hcg for on cycle and nolvadex for pct my question is do the measurements seem good for a first cycle and any other advice or thoughts would be appreciated, cheers
doc put you on esthers too?
Could even use the same pin for everything...
Using injectable steroids can seem very daunting for many beginner users. Some may therefore opt for a purely oral based steroid cycle for their first cycle, such as Dianabol, Anavar or Winstrol. If you decide to only run orals you are somewhat limited to which anabolic compounds you can run, as well as their doses and cycle duration (due to many orals being toxic to the liver).
please lay out your entire cycle, and stats.Thanks a lot for this .excellent information for beginners . I am in 3rd week of my first cycle using the exact same protocol as described in first post. I couldn't get exemestane so I am using anastrazole instead. I just want to know that how to determine which is optimum dosage 0.5 mg eod or 0.25 mg eod for anastrazole? BTW I didnt notice any significant sideeffects till now. Though i feel i am having little lesser libido than since first week of start of my cycle.
My cycle: Week 1-12 test e 250 mg every thursday and sunday in a week.
Anastrazole 0.5 mg eod .
Hcg - 500 mg once in a week on sunday with test e injection. Rest all planned as per first post.
My stats: 5 feet 6.5" . Weight 74 kg. Bf % 15 -16.
Age- 38 years. Training experience of around 4 years.
I would start with .25mg of adex EOD. Or .50mg twice a week.
And hCG should be twice a week, not once.
Do you have your PCT planned?