D-bol only cycle


New member
Hey jus wonderin' how dangerous you guys think it is to run a D-bol only cycle. If it depends on the dosage what do you think the safest most effective dose would be for a short period of time? Is it just plain not worth it to run a dbol only cycle in a low dose compared to the gains and sides you would recieve? If it is just stupid, what do you think the smartest thing to run with it would be for a begginer to get the best gains in the safest dose? Im lookin for the best weight gain possible. Probably have heard this question quite a bit but any response would be helpful. I was thinking about a pickin up a little sust but can pretty much get ahold of whatever. Thanks
Most people will tell you that dbol only is a waste.

If you have real aspirations of becoming a body builder, then don't do dbol only, as it isn't much of a cycle.
Test...... should be the foundation of all cycles.
For a beginner 250-500 mg.

I'd say more like 400-500, but yeah.. same difference. If you take Dbol alone you will gain a lot of strength and water weight, and then lose it all when you come off. I just watched one of my friends do it.
hey bro,

Personally I don't like d-bol that much don't get much from it. Run some test. Like cypionate or enathate but you can front load it. Like run 750mg a week for two weeks then back it off to 500 for 8 weeks. This will be effective and get the test to kick in quicker.

if you typed in the search option dbol only cycle all your questions would have been answerd!

NO!!!................. why? search!
D-Bol only is not as bad as people say if you run it for 4-6 weeks HOWEVER you'd be much better off running a test along side it. There are a few logs around of people doing D-Bol only, should do a search and read through it buy your looking at about 1kg of muscle gain each week, if your diet + training + post cycle therapy (pct) are all in order then you'll keep it all - my mates have done the same thing, kept all gains but yeah .. Test helps :)

** If you do Dbol only then try get a doc to check your blood work and make sure your liver is alright **
Waht are your stats and how long have you been training.

You can make great gains on as little as 200-250 mgs of any test for 10 wks if you eat alot and train hard.

Dbol only will be mostly water and you will lose almost all of it along with the strength.

D-Bol only is not as bad as people say if you run it for 4-6 weeks

I agree with you bro. In fact, my first time was a dbol only cycle that I ran for 4 weeks. My post cycle therapy (pct) (if you want to call it that) was absolute crap, and I still kept 10 pounds. I think dbol only should be used on rare occasions, like maybe a powerlifter is taking it alone for an upcoming compettion. However, if this kid does want to become a body builder (I'm guessing he doesn't), then I think he needs to run a solid cycle with test as a base.

Dbol only will be mostly water and you will lose almost all of it along with the strength.

Proof? :)

Thats just false info mate .. theres no magic button within D-Bol that says "HEY MAN THERES TEST FLOWING IN THE BLOOD STREAM LETS AUTOMATICALLY KEEP OUR GAINS AND STRENGTH!!"

As said, you dont lose the gains ..
most will tell u dbol only is stupid and a waste of time etc......but the first thing i ever did was a d-bol only cycle and really liked it alot
Like I said, I just watched my friend do a d-bol only cycle. He blew up for a while, and then came off and lost most of it. He seems to have recovered a bit and regained some of his size in a short time, but all-in-all, I think it was an unnecessary burden on his body. I have never used d-bol myself, so I can't definitively say anything, just remark on what I observed in a friend.
Hey thanks guys for all the posts! I wont attempt a D-bol only cycle then. Im thinking about gettin some test e and using 250-500 mg. a week and see how my body reacts to it for a first cycle. Maybe for the first 4 weeks or so ill take 10-20 mg. of D-bol to jump start? Another thing about the Test does it have a very negative effect on your blood pressure or is it minor in small doses?
test enan if ur gonna run a long cycle....prop for something like a 8 week cycle now ur using your head..
Waht are your stats and how long have you been training.

You can make great gains on as little as 200-250 mgs of any test for 10 wks if you eat alot and train hard.

Dbol only will be mostly water and you will lose almost all of it along with the strength.


This sounds more like a smart beginner cycle to me... :newbie: Ill put an order in tomorrow.
About the blood pressure thing... it can cause an increase in BP.

I was actually sitting on the couch the other day and started feeling a tight chested and panicked (like anxiety). I went and checked my BP and it was normal. I was told I should check it a couple of times a day as it rises and falls, though. So, yeah..