Daily Protein Intake in one sitting???

i am the study. 600g per day no prob. 100g shakes no prob. the guy doin the kilo a day is a good friend of mne and a top BB. 5'9" 275 or so at 5% bf. he's a monster. i talked to jay cutler one time and askred him how much he takes in a day and he said this. bulking 400g/d pro and 800g/d carbs. cutting 800g/d pro and 400g/d carbs.
pullinbig said:
i am the study. 600g per day no prob. 100g shakes no prob. the guy doin the kilo a day is a good friend of mne and a top BB. 5'9" 275 or so at 5% bf. he's a monster. i talked to jay cutler one time and askred him how much he takes in a day and he said this. bulking 400g/d pro and 800g/d carbs. cutting 800g/d pro and 400g/d carbs.

Well, what problems would you actually see if you were not digesting your protein completely? I would imagine gas being one sign, but I can't say for sure.

I would also imagine the person's metabolic type would play a large role here. Someone that's made to eat lots of carbs (a carb type) probably would have a harder time eating huge amounts of protein than a protein metbolic type would. I've eaten 500+g of protein and over 600g of fat as well with no problems. I would imagine this could potentially overload a carb type's digestive system.

But either way...that's a lot of protein to eat :eek:
i posted what happens when i reach my threshold. lololololol previous post up above oh frosty one.

hey you clip is posted in the video section frame 16. you can copy link location from there if need be.
pullinbig said:
i posted what happens when i reach my threshold. lololololol previous post up above oh frosty one.

That would seem to indicate a severe lack of protein digestion if it's that gross :Puke:

But I would imagine that before that threshold you aren't totally digesting your protein. The more subtle such as gas, perhaps, might be an indicator that your digestion isn't going well.

I do wonder how the percentage of protein digested changes as you increase the number. It might be something like 200g 99%, 300g 95%, 400g 90%, 500g 80%, 600g 75%. I'm just guessing, though. Any thoughts on that?