day 3 on insulin log! and feeling weak!


New member
hello guys well i did start my cycle 3 days ago im using Humulin-R i started and ill keep it in 4uis post workout well after the shot im taking with it 500ml of orange juice (57g carbs) + my protein and also 5g of creatine. 1h after that i eat again chicken or eggs with 50-60g carbs from complex and simple sources like yesterday half from oats and half from chocolate drink then 2h after that i eat again the same chicken or eggs (whites) and 50-60g carbs this time only complex.

but well yesterday that was my 2nd day when i wake up and the rest of the day i have been feling i dont know like weak and like something bother in my eyes and today that i sleep much more that yesterday about 9h im not feeling that weak but i still have like a feeling in my eyes like when u are tired but im not sleepy but is there like something is wrong with my eyes feel them tired is this maybe because of the insulin or what you guys think is going on ? i havent feel hypo either...

i would aprecciate you guys help!

my first meal today was about 75g carbs with eggwhites, the next one meal (pre workout meal) 60g carbs 30g from oats and 30g from baked plantain and chicken.
Up ur carbs and eat more often after ur shot ur using slow acting slin it takes 6 hrs to clear if I remember correct I all always use humalog so I'm clear 2-3 hrs after pin if it were me I would stop and get some humalog instead much safer
I'm assuming that being you took the time to do research and run insulin , that you also purchased a glucose meter and strips so you can monitor your blood sugar throughout the day . so what has your blood sugar been ?
I'm assuming that being you took the time to do research and run insulin , that you also purchased a glucose meter and strips so you can monitor your blood sugar throughout the day . so what has your blood sugar been ?
. Hello bro and no I couldn't get the glucose meter because of the shitty situation of my country so I don't have one, so maybe I should up my carbs on every meal something like between 60-70g carbs ? I already take my after shoot "shake" 60g carbs from orange juice and my protein rightnow I'm waiting to heat th 1h after shoot meal I'm havin chicken breast and 60g carbs half from oats and half from chocolate drink maybe i should up even more my carb intake. Thanks for take the time and read my post. I did take again 4UIs
. Hello bro and no I couldn't get the glucose meter because of the shitty situation of my country so I don't have one, so maybe I should up my carbs on every meal something like between 60-70g carbs ? I already take my after shoot "shake" 60g carbs from orange juice and my protein rightnow I'm waiting to heat th 1h after shoot meal I'm havin chicken breast and 60g carbs half from oats and half from chocolate drink maybe i should up even more my carb intake. Thanks for take the time and read my post. I did take again 4UIs

okay guys i just have my 1h meal after the shot and i did have 250g of white rice instead of the oats and chocolate drink those rice is about 69.57g carbs with my chicken.

now im waiting to have my next meal in about 2h or 2h and 30 mins till this point i had 267.57g carbs throught the day shoud i carb up my meals how much carbs u guys think i should take ? for dont feel like this on my eyes and that kinda tired/sleepy feeling ?
Hello guys well today was my day 4 on inuslin and im feeling great again strong like a bull and keeping my carbs high but not over 350 a day had a nice back and shoulder workout today without problems and also my 30min cardio session!
So I'm wondering about what else you are using? I ran Humalin R also on cycle at 7iu post work out wi5h 10 grams of carbs per iu with Tren A , Test prop and Test E and Igf-1Lr3 and full supplement regime. I Grew like a weed.

What else are you cycling?
. Hello bro and no I couldn't get the glucose meter because of the shitty situation of my country so I don't have one, so maybe I should up my carbs on every meal something like between 60-70g carbs ? I already take my after shoot "shake" 60g carbs from orange juice and my protein rightnow I'm waiting to heat th 1h after shoot meal I'm havin chicken breast and 60g carbs half from oats and half from chocolate drink maybe i should up even more my carb intake. Thanks for take the time and read my post. I did take again 4UIs

You don't start something without being prepared. :nono:

I thought we covered how important it is to have a glucose meter and why it's needed to dial things in. It could be ANYTHING causing this, including psychosomatic - because you KNOW you're on insulin.

I can't think of a country in which Internet is available that you can't purchase a meter. I'd pull the plug if you can't do it right, but that's just me. :p
Sounds like low blood sugar but without a meter thats total speculation. You have to be able to order a meter online even if you cant buy one OTC where you live easily.
Its pretty important to have and in a case like this would probably provide you with the answers you are looking for man.
i suggest you do not take any insulin 6 hours prior to sleeping or you might wake up dead. Although rapid acting does most of it's job in first few hours it continues taking out the sugar in your bloodstream for another couple hours. About 5 or 6 hours in total. So you could go to sleep with a normal bs level and after you've neen asleep, you could hypo. And once your hypo, you can into a coma, etc.

It's really fun stuff to play with. Not!

Oh great! this thread is two months old! That's the trouble with posting from an I phone!
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