Dazed kit instructions


New member
I've read lots of instructions for conversions but none really fit dazed's kit...his oil and solvent is mixed? Somebody shoot me a line or do a copy paste. Thx.

So just pull the pellets out, put in majic soln, heat, filter, > ready....no washing or anything? when do I add the little vial of estrogen solublizer? Thx again
I didn't know they were putting out kits, just oil.

Either way, as long as you are sticking to concentrations that are readily doable under normal circumstances you should be able to use the oil just fine, and yes its all pre-mixed "mystery solution" yada yada.

just a little confused...first syno conversion and every set of directions I've found have been different...one set even says something about puttin it in the freezer....wtf
so, I think the ED just needs to be stripped off, right?... damn, I swear I didn't used to be this retarded

Alright, think I get it now...the kit from dazed is fine, I just need a solvent....are there any over the counter I can get, or do I need to check on some heet/?
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