Dazed's "magic solution

what are you guys making that requires a solvent? ba and bb will make just about anything but Winstrol (winny) and that is possible as well to a clear solution with PEG400 as the carrier. or to water with ba and peg400 as te solvents.
Any more questions Tiny...I'm sure PB will answer, if I don't get to it first...LOL

But I always make sure PB gets the last say...because after all he is the neighborhood expert...

i hear a lot about this "magic" solution. people say they make painless prop and what not. what is in this product?
It is an oil/solvent mixture. Simply add the powder. heat, filter and shoot. Have used it to successfully make 200mg/ml prop, just had to add a little BA for it to hold. Havent shot it yet, so dont know about pain yet.

oh, i know what it does, per se. but what i wanted to know is how come its so "magical"? is dazed such a chemical genius that no one knows how he can get the right ingredients and ratios to make a painless solvent?
FTC said:
its not magical, just foolproof and convenient

This is correct.
It isnt "magical", just that the ingredients are a secret. I remember Mr. T saying that the ingredients are pretty unique.
