Dbol, Anavar, and Winny Only for my 5th cycle.....


New member
haha jk.

My 2nd Cycle:

Wk. 1-12: Test E @ 500mg/wk (Mon./Thurs.)
Wk. 1-4: Dbol 50mg/ED
Wk. 1-4: Aromasin 12.5mg/EOD then as needed after i finish the dbol
Wk. 1-6: HCGenerate 5pills/ED
Wk. 9-14: HCGenerate 5pills/ED

PCT (2 weeks after last pin):
Wk. 15-18: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid (100mg/day 1) then 50/50/50/50

How does everyone feel about my aromasin use? i know it's only active for around 24hrs but my reasoning is because my first cycle (Test E only) i had practically no sides. Used aromasin for 1 week ed and then didn't need it again. Will using it EOD help prevent negative sides from the dbol and test? (I will obviously use it ED if EOD doesn't work)

What type of over the counter stuff should I take for liver support? Milk thistle, cranberry extract, etc? What dosages? and before, after, or with the dbol?
