Dbol and Anavar


New member
what do you guys think about mixing these two orals while on test. I was reading somewhere it is good to mix type 1 and 2 steroids. So smething like
week 1-8 Prop 150mg eod
week 1-8 Dbol 20mg ed
week 1-8 Anavar (var) 50mg ed

Would the dbol really boost the lean gains that Anavar (var) gives you? Im looking for lean gains that you keep rather than just lots of bloated and fat gain.
DBOL is not a good compounds to run is a test-var cycles.

you will bloat, and loose the benefit of var.
I wouldnt run two orals at the same time.
Also 8 weeks is to long to run dbol even if at 20mg a day. Imo
Is there any other oral that you would stack with a Anavar (var) cycle like tbol just for an extra kick?

You really should post your stats and how long you been lifting.

Dbol will swelling you up
Depending on how your diet is so you can have a lean physique and to supplement your goal would look something like this

Test prop 100EOD wk1-12
Tbol - 40-50 mg Ed 1-6
Anavar 50-??? mg ed 7-12
Adex 0.5 EOD

IMO I would drop the var.
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Not that i would do this or anything but just for curiosity purposes what if one was to run 12 weeks of test and front load with dbol and back load with anavar?

weeks 1-12 test
weeks 1-4 dbol
weeks 8-12 anavar

just to satisfy my curiosity anyone?
The synergy is how they work together.

Anavar = Class I, Dbol = Class II

Class-I-These are steroids who's primary influence on anabolism is achieved through aggressive binding and activation of the androgen receptor...Examples of potent class-I's are-deca-durabolin,primobolan,equipoise,oxandrolone...

Class-II-These are compounds with potent activity independent of A/R binding/activation,and their activity has been monitored in neuron's,microsomes,mitochondria,etc...Examples of potent class-II's are-anadrol,dianabol,winstrol,Fluoxymesterone...

So putting them together means there isn't competition and you get total effect from both pathways
The synergy is how they work together.

Anavar = Class I, Dbol = Class II

Class-I-These are steroids who's primary influence on anabolism is achieved through aggressive binding and activation of the androgen receptor...Examples of potent class-I's are-deca-durabolin,primobolan,equipoise,oxandrolone...

Class-II-These are compounds with potent activity independent of A/R binding/activation,and their activity has been monitored in neuron's,microsomes,mitochondria,etc...Examples of potent class-II's are-anadrol,dianabol,winstrol,Fluoxymesterone...

So putting them together means there isn't competition and you get total effect from both pathways

theres a lot of different class 1 and 2 drugs genius . worry more about your liver than synergy . use 1 oral for no more than 6 weeks.
where did you come up with dbol - Anavar (var) synergy lol.

i didn't come up with it. i've just seen people talk about it and wanted to see what the vets had to say.

its some theory out there - just wanted to see what you all had to say
i didn't come up with it. i've just seen people talk about it and wanted to see what the vets had to say.

its some theory out there - just wanted to see what you all had to say

never heard of that theory if its specifically dbol/var.
var / creatine has gotten some internet ink due to vars ability to enhance your bodys ability to use and need creatine.
that being said , every idiot newbie that comes along will come up with some hair brained cycle or theory trying to reinvent the wheel . theres always some new greatest steroid or cycle or pct of all time but when the dust clears its still hard to beat a test / deca / dbol cycle and its still hard to beat clomid for post cycle therapy (pct).

if it aint broke , dont fix it.
You dont have to get upset, you asked what synergy was so i let you know. Im not saying its the next greatest cycle im asking what people think about running it because i have alot of Anavar (var), dbol, and prop laying around. Ill probably end up using the dbol and Anavar (var) into different cycles cause it doesnt look like a popular combo here.
think about it bro, dbol draws water in, while anavar will harden you up. not bring in water like dbol they are pretty much opposites of each other.
theres a lot of different class 1 and 2 drugs genius . worry more about your liver than synergy . use 1 oral for no more than 6 weeks.

Out of curiousity are you an MD ? Do you know what symptoms to look for when dealing with hepatoxicity ? Well it just so happens I do, guys listen take what you want, make the frequency + dose a reasonable one
Most importantly take your prophylaxis supplements daily i.e. thistle, liv 52, zinc, , COQ10, niacin and you will be fine ! Steroids do not kill you, its the astronomical amounts that maybe not today but somewhere down the road will have a gross impact on your overall health. Who is anyone to tell you what to take and what not to take , what works and what doesn't work?