Dbol and Test E First Cycle.


New member
I have been researching for about a year now on gear and have finally decided to try it although I want to be as cautious, and take it as safely as possible I'm 5'10 and 182lbs and probably around 10-12% bodyfat and I have been lifting for 4 years(will be 5 in a few months).

Week 1-4 GP Dbol 30mg ED Split 3 10mg pills ED
Week 1-10 GP Test E at 250mg 2xWeek
Week 1-10 HCG at 250iu 2xWeek
Week 1-10 GP arimidex .25mg EOD
Week 12-16 GP Clomid 50/50/25/25
Week 12-16 GP Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

1. Should HCG be run throughout cycle or after? (Makes more sense to me to run during but I have heard mixed reviews)
2. Are my dosages right for Nolvadex and Clomid?
3. Should I run arimidex throughout cycle and into PCT? (I Have also hearded mixed reviews about this)
4. Is GP a Reputable brand? (My research says yes but I wont reviews from experienced members)
5. Also is there a better PCT than nolvadex/Clomid combo?
6. Anything else I should know or add to my cycle?

Thanks for taking your time to view my cycle and post responses in advance!
Your cycle looks fine to me run arimidex up to pct then just start your pct with your nolvadex and clomid not sure about hcg very debated topic.Have a good cycle and keep us posted :) cheers
Your cycle looks fine to me run arimidex up to pct then just start your pct with your nolvadex and clomid not sure about hcg very debated topic.Have a good cycle and keep us posted :) cheers

Thanks yoda gonna be starting sometime next month. Saw your thread and wanted to know how much strength you gained off the dbol?
If the source of the gear is at all questionable I would recommend a test only cycle. Atleast then you can accurately judge the quality
I would wait till 24 and I think most would agree that 21 is too young. You have plenty of time to read, research, trial and error with training and diet in the meantime.
He left out his age and dude trying to beat up on him ***55357;***56834;

Good point about him leavening out his age. But when I listen to the post and the Q's asked by OP I came to the right conclusion and that was he is too young. He even admits it ! So my Q's are very valid and right on the money, Ha , ya think.

Which guy is beating up on the kid, I can take care of that, yes?? :)

So what's your advice for OP, big guy !! :dunno: Oops hint, hint at 24 your really to young also. But because of your experience in the field it makes you OK ? Y think boss
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