dbol/deca/test c cycle


New member
hey guys just sharing my cycle progress so far.ive had one previous cycle before this one.
cycle(1)dbol wk1-4 25mg/ed.
test en wk1-10 500mg/wk.

and my current cycle is:

dbol wk1-2 30mg/ed and wk3-4 40mg/ed
deca wk 8-18
test(en,cyp,dec) wk1-18 500mg/wk.

gaols:my goals for this cycle is to gain 15lbs of ''MUSCLE'' not weight.and my other goal is to bench 400lbs,did 315x8 last workout soo i should be pretty close now.

comments:im in this cycle 12 weeks so far.the cycle is good so far ive gained about 10-12lbs but lost fat and i am more
vascular.ive gained far bit of strenght last week so im thinking deca is now starting to work.im hopeing in the next 6 weeks to gain a nother 5lbs even tho ill probaly gain more from the deca boat.

feel free to comment.
Im about to do this cycle my self as soon as my gear gets here , my last cycle was test e with tren e test 500mg/wk tren 150mg/wk also results ! Lost so much fat i coulnt beleave it , that was my 1st run with tren all and all i liked it put so mass on to . But my fav cycle so far is this test , deca, dbol test 750mg wk , deca 400mg wk , dbol 50mg / day