Dbol, Deca, Test cycle


New member
Hey im just about to start a cycle of the those three and i was wondering if anyone has run that cycle and what there gains and progress were. any feedback is good id like to hear it.... thnx :)
Hi welcome. First post and goin in lol. can u give some stats and how many cycles u have done. If it's ur first cycle it's test only.
Iv ran a couple test cycles but lost my job and couldnt afford a gym pass and therefor lost all my gains. Right now im 5'10" 165-170 with like 12% body fat and at my best i was 190 8% body fat. Id like to get there again quick so just gunna run a solid stack im thinking im gunna run all three for the first 8 weeks and drop the dbol for the last 8, whats your opinion? Cant wait to be all big again :)
It's a good stack. Generally used for bulking phases. You will be holding some extra water, and should be in all out bulk mode to get the most from this cycle.