Dbol Gains, finishing dbol whilst continuing test


New member
I couldn't find much info on this,

if your running a test-e cycle and use a dbol kickstarter,
when you finish up the dbol will I keep most of my gains from it if im continuing the test ?

dbol was a low dose at 25mg ed
running 500mg test e per week.

any help much appreciated
because im week 6 of a ten week test e cycle though, can i still expect to lose a little ? or would the test just sorta take over ?

its likely water and water you would lose, its good on start of cycle IMO, but i wouldent call them all actual gains. diet and training will help keep actual muscle gains. focus on that and finish off cycle. i like 14wks min (total) on the test IMO
yes you will always lose some water and mabe some muscle during recovery/pct, make sure you dont slack on diet during pct and dont go too heavy/long in workouts during PCT IMO