Dbol or anadrol for girls

Yes I've taken nolvadex and bloated horribly and gained some weight (fat). I wouldn't recommend it based on my personal experience. .
Hi im new to this forum, but not quite so fresh on the use of steroids.
I have used dbol several times with very little sides. I do carry alot of water on it tho.
I took a very heavy dose years ago under very bad advice, but the sides i experienced were high blood pressure acne and increased aggression.
I dont plan to run anymore oral cycles once my existin dbol has gone.
Im currenty running 250mg Sustanon (sust) a week <no sides at all> and usin 5mg dbol on trainin days.
Its probably not benefitting me in anyway, but certainly psychologically my lifts are better and workouts are more enjoyable using the dbol
The girls at the upper levels take everything that the men do. I've seen fitness/figure girls cycles that had dbol in them, and I know a former Ms. O that cycled with 1g of deca.

I'm just curious.....would you recommend Winstrol (winny) over anavar for a woman? And if yes then why?

I don't know anything about anadrol but I would think dbol would be a bit strong for a lady.

My wife ran 10 mg of Anavar for 6 wks. with great results, i was
getting Pharma grade Anavar (var) from a aids patient, but costly.
I think you would do well on Winstrol (winny) as well if it's good quality.
Hi im new to this forum, but not quite so fresh on the use of steroids.
I have used dbol several times with very little sides. I do carry alot of water on it tho.
I took a very heavy dose years ago under very bad advice, but the sides i experienced were high blood pressure acne and increased aggression.
I dont plan to run anymore oral cycles once my existin dbol has gone.
Im currenty running 250mg Sustanon (sust) a week <no sides at all> and usin 5mg dbol on trainin days.
Its probably not benefitting me in anyway, but certainly psychologically my lifts are better and workouts are more enjoyable using the dbol

Hi there,

I'm new on here and need some info on personal experiences on Dinabol. I have just started using it today and not sure whether i have made the right desicion.
Please if anyone can PM me some information that would be great.

ps i'm so glad to find this website as it is very hard in finding women with steriod experience around here.