Dbol or Anavar for next cycle?


Planning next cycle of Tren and Test at 400 per week of each. Looking to bulk but also to cut. Should I do dbol or Anavar (var)? If dbol then is it suggested to take nolva for those 4 weeks to cut back on estrogen? (Steriod Profiles said this)
Thanks guys.
If your going for bulk/cut, I'd go with tbol over dbol. With tren, tbol is the better option. Or neither and go with Anavar (var) for more of a strength / cut cycle
i was going to say why not both? @justin is it not a good idea to combine dbol/var into one cycle? say first and last 4 weeks
I only have access to dbol and Anavar (var) right now. Anavar (var) is easier on the liver with less water retention however I've been dying to try dbol. So if I do first 4 weeks dbol with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then my tren/test cycle I should be able to build some good muscle then cut right?? At least in theory. I don't want to do both orals b/c I can't afford it.
I only have access to dbol and Anavar (var) right now. Anavar (var) is easier on the liver with less water retention however I've been dying to try dbol. So if I do first 4 weeks dbol with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then my tren/test cycle I should be able to build some good muscle then cut right?? At least in theory. I don't want to do both orals b/c I can't afford it.

For a cut cycle I'd go with Anavar (var) , but if you keep your diet clean the Dbol won't necessarily make you fat, just run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with it, and leave the Nolva out during cycle.
I'd stay with Anavar (var) personally, dbol and tren are counter productive imao, tbol and tren is a different story. You'll throw on quality lean muscle right off the rip with a test,tren, Anavar (var) . If you start with dbol, weeks 4-8 your going to be in turn just cutting the water/and alittle fat you gained on the dbol which=counter productivity comparably to running Anavar (var) instead.