Dbol/tren/test stack


New member
So I just finished a tren a cycle (definitely a bad mistake without test!), and after post cycle therapy (pct) and a few minutes I'm going for a solid cycle. Dbol 50mg Ed, tren e of 300mg ew/test 300mg ew (same pin 2x week) letro e3d! Proper diet and I should be ripping shit up! A solid post cycle therapy (pct) following and a happy camper I'll be!
1. Is the letro going to control the estrogen from dbol
2. Will the dbol and tren blend well or cause some nasty sides?
3. What other sups should I take? Nolva/clomid? During or after?

I'm thinking like this
(1-6) dbol 50mg Ed morn/night
(1-6) tren e 300mg ew (150 x2)
(6-10) tren e 500mg ew (250 x2)
(1-6) test e (same as tren)
(6-10) test e (same as tren)
(1-7) letro e3d
post cycle therapy (pct)

Does it make sense?
I'm 6-5"
16% bf currently plan to be about 12% before I Start
And 30yrs old

Good or bad thanks
instead of letro i would take adex for during your cycle. letro is to strong imo. run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your cycle also.
What did you use to control prolactin sides the first time you ran tren?

I would run tren ace with prop that way if sides get bad you can drop the ace. The prop will give you test in your system from the beginning as opposed to the test-e where some people complain that their tren ace kicked in too early. If you want to run the dbol run it for 4 weeks, no need for it at all to be honest but that's just my opinion. Also you want to run hcg. After doing a tren cycle already without any test you want to make sure you take care of your hpta this time so run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) through cycle 500/week (250 x 2). You can run letro if you want. You want to run clomid and nolva after cycle for post cycle therapy (pct). The main thing is get Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), test prop, and tren ace. The dbol is optional. Also run your test a few weeks longer than your tren.
Great answers, thanks. I'm definitely going to add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and test for an extra 2 weeks before post cycle therapy (pct). for the tren cycle I was using cycle assist, L-tyrosine and dopa mucuna to counter the sides. It seemed to work but the shut down of natural test was too much. No energy, lethargic and a bit emotional. Definitely test with tren, no question about it.
Thanks again
Yea and it makes recovery a bitch. How long until you started to feel normal again/ labs showed levels back to normal?

Did you still make great gains without the test?
Well the tren cycle only lasted about 3 weeks before I quit. I'm thinking I had an infection from the home brew. Fever and muscle/joint ache. So the following week of recovering was brutal, even with clomid I was out of sorts for a solid week and felt stable finaly after week 2.