Deadlifts a must?

just get real!!!! deads are really hard and you dont want to do them.i got a love hate thing going with them myself.
Jjaden said:
If it really hurts your lower back do rack pulls.

I dropped full deads because I found I wasn't getting as much of a back workout as I felt I should, now I do them in a power rack with the pins in the second lowest hole and I find they're amazing..

Fantastic for back growth and overall body strength..

Explain exactly how a full dead doesn't hit your back as hard as a rack pull again, i musta missed it.
Firehawk734 said:
Explain exactly how a full dead doesn't hit your back as hard as a rack pull again, i musta missed it.

Uhmm a full dead is HARDER on the lower back than a rack pull.

When I meant I wasn't getting as much of a lower back workout it's because my lower back was failing not as much due to it's lack of strength but due to the unstable and unatural position it was being forced into, and before you tell me to bend my knees and crouch lower, I do deadlifts for primarily a back workout not hams/quad workout, when I want to work those muscles I'll do squats...

This is particularly true for taller individuals such as myself standing 6'5.

I have particularly long legs so to reach a bar off of the floor my lower back is put in a rather precarious position to be repping heavy weights so by raising it slightly in the rack I can still achieve 80% of the movement but take that bottom 20% which really puts a tons of strain directly on the lower back.
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I'm 6'3.

Quit makin excuses.

Sure, because we're taller, we're going to be in a different position. I'm guessing you got longer arms too, so do you not bench press either and just go right to the rack press?
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Firehawk734 said:
I'm 6'3.

Quit makin excuses.

Sure, because we're taller, we're going to be in a different position. I'm guessing you got longer arms too, so do you not bench press either and just go right to the rack press?

Christ another dipshit who thinks every body is designed the same.

My younger brother is 6'3 without lifting he walks around at 215 - 10%, that is his body structure.

I'm 6'5 without touching a weight my size was around 180 - 6%

I've managed to bring that up to around 220 with 8% through training smart and knowing what works for my body.

I'm taller and only weight 5 lbs more but due to my smaller joints, smaller waist and lower bodyfat I look a shitload bigger than my brother.

My point? My bodytype is slender as crap and I have a tiny waist but when I put on 20-30lbs of mass it looks like it's 40-50.

There's a thing called genetics perhaps you've heard of, I'm not going to destroy my lower back trying to rep 400lbs off the floor and putting my lower back in a shit position when I can to the same by doing the movements 6" off the floor causing myself about 90% less lower back pain and getting the same workout for the rest of my body.

P.S. I sure as shit don't do bench press I use heavy dumbells, dips and incline presses because when I do flat barbell press to bring the bar to my chest my elbows come about 6-7inches behind my shoulder girdle and put them in a retarded position safety wise.

It's assholes like who who think all excersizes work for all body types that get young lanky teenagers doing power cleans and deep squats and by the time they're in their mid 20's they have permanent injuries and require surgery..

Train hard but train smart, and know that some bodytypes should not do some excesizes, there was an excellent article about a year ago in Flex by Bob Cicarillo(sp?) who was talking about how he goes to the gym and sees all these young guys 1/4 his size blowing out joints and ligaments left and right while he walks in and uses machines and isolations. That's a bit of an extreme but there's a point to his article.
Why don't you go to a powerlifting meet and see some of the 6'5 guys that are doing the lifts and lifting far more weight than you, and go tell them you're excuses and watch them giggle? There's some well known tall lifters.

If you bothered to read my post i said that "of course our bodies would be in different positions". yet you replied with " Christ another dipshit who thinks every body is designed the same".

I deadlift and i have a hard time getting down there, and i have to pull the weight quite a bit further than others much shorter than me, but so what? Fact is i don't make pussy excuses and lie to myself.

Congrats on adding size to your body.

Whatever you've accepted in your head you obviously sold yourself pretty good. It's people like you that have gotten quite a bit of the "big boys" around here to leave the board and hence brought the IQ WAY down. The vets are/were tired of hearing every excuse in the book as to why you're not doing the things you should be doing.

Yet another one that does nothing but take advice from articles. I figured what you been making excuses about was from some article.
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Firehawk734 said:
Why don't you go to a powerlifting meet and see some of the 6'5 guys that are doing the lifts and lifting far more weight than you, and go tell them you're excuses and watch them giggle? There's some well known tall lifters.

You just don't get it do you? It's possible to be a tall mesomorph, or a tall endomorph and become a powerlifter, how many true ectomorphs do you see in powerlifting meets?

How many powerlifters do you see with an 8% bodyfat and a 34inch waist at 6'5?

I'm not a powerlifter, nor will I ever be, nor do I desire to ever be.

What I want is a muscular athletic physique that is still functional well into my 60's. I train accordingly...

Get a clue, seriously....
There are people of all sizes, shapes, and colors at powerlifting meets. You ever been to one? I bet you haven't.

I wasn't telling you to become a powerlifter, i was simply using it as an example. You just sound like your giving out excuses, at least 5 or 6 by my count.

It's fine dude. Your training, just don't list bullshit on the board. If you dont wanna do them, just simply say your worried about injuring yourself. Then when someone says you're scared, don't get upset about it when it's the truth.
By the way, because of your height, you should be a better deadlifter than others. Tall with long arms, that's got conventional puller written all over it. Deadlifts are my best lift by far.
I'm not here to argue with you.

I am a good deadlifter, in fact I can deadlift a lot more than my lower back can safely handle when doing them from the floor, hence the rack pulls, to lessen the load on my lower back and still use the maximum weight overall...

Anyhow I'm posting advice for a guy who mentioned he was tall and had lower back issues. All things don't work for all people, hence my advice...
Jjaden said:
I'm not here to argue with you.

I am a good deadlifter, in fact I can deadlift a lot more than my lower back can safely handle when doing them from the floor, hence the rack pulls, to lessen the load on my lower back and still use the maximum weight overall...

Anyhow I'm posting advice for a guy who mentioned he was tall and had lower back issues. All things don't work for all people, hence my advice...

how much you pulling?