Death by synthol

whats with these guys thinking they look good. he would look better with a 40%bf, atleast his body would be proportioned
Anyone even considering synthol use is a fucking moron. that shit looks beyond ugly
I feel bad he is dead. However I feel worse that nobody clued him in. Or else they did and he didn't listen. My God he looked so fucking horrible. He was like an anorexic I'm guessing.....he didn't see what he was doing to himself.
Why do people always lump synthol in with AAS and say it's an enhancer? It's like saying people shouldn't use blowers on their engines and don't use fender flares. Hey that dude uses fender flares, his car must go fast.

Plus, synthol just seems like bad news.
Thinning the gene pool. I'm skeptical it was even synthol, probably injecting vegetable oil oil or motor oil.
Poor guy, but he gets a Darwin award nomination

excellent point.

purge the weak and stupid.

wtf? really.

what kind of self-perception issues does one have when going to this extreme?

shit looked gross.

Sorry he had to die, but stupid is as stupid does.

Im sorry for his family more than anything.