nobody can answer this ^ only one way to find out...
There is no estimate?
nobody can answer this ^ only one way to find out...
Face palm your 21 with awesome test levels quit trying to take a short cut learn how to eat and lift then after 5 more years of that you'll have a badass base if your not a complete wimp.
Do your time man seriously gear isn't the be all end all you get what you put in.
Did you do a pct after you gained 20lbs on two prohormome cycles?
5'9" and 140 after two cycles then dropped 40 lbs? You sound like your trying to make AAS be the answer to your laziness and lack of commitment.
Just my opinion here not trying to start a bunch of crap but this smells like crap.
There are far too many variables at play to give you a good estimate. It's a holiday weekend, so I'd give 3J some time to reply.I emailed him but have not gotten a response. But how much lean mass you think I could put on in a year with serious dieting? I have muscle memory to if that's a thing or a myth
Yeah I pct with clomid and novadex. And I was 185 had surgery and bad breakupthen dropped to 140.
And not trying to start anything. But I got a nice face, but I need a nicer body to be a fitness model. That is my 1st goal. Then go on to achieve an even better physique and win some shows go pro.
What about Jeff seid and zyzz they both cycled younger than me. Seid is making money I can only dream of probably.
There are far too many variables at play to give you a good estimate. It's a holiday weekend, so I'd give 3J some time to reply.![]()
I think you'd be really disappointed to find out what these guys make as bodybuilding is one of the least paid sports today. That and Zyzz makes nothing, seeing as he's 6 feet under.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that since there are guys that jumped into AAS young that it's safe and promises a career. Many of these guys have been groomed for the lifestyle starting at a very young age, and frankly have the genetics most can only dream of.
I'm not telling you to give up on your dreams, but I challenge you to look at images of your favorite bber in their early teens. I used to love posting images of a 14 year old Arnold, but I think the younger generation relates to other famous bodybuilders more.
Genetics > Diet > Sleep/healthy practices > Training > Drugs.
Okay. So I been lifting for about 3 years. I got up to 185 solid. Then I had surgery on my wrist got a girlfriend about 6 months ago. We broke up last month and I been depressed but I been hitting the gym again. I lost 45 lbs I'm now 140. My strength and all is coming back at a good pace, 5-10 lbs increase every week. But I was wondering would I be fine to run a cycle? This is the first time I'm below 10% bf to. So I would think if I cycled I'd get some good size and stay around 10%. I have ran 2 cycles of prohormones in the past and seen great gains 20 lbs gained every cycle. The stack I currently have of AAS is test Cyp, dbol, arimidex, and novadex for pct. Also the only time I have felt good and not depressed was when I ran ph's. My doc also said I'm on the lower side of test levels but not low enough for TRT.
Thanks man and yeah that's all I would run the rest of the stuff I have is to counter act the side effects. And yeah my long term gf broke up with me and I been depressed for awhile now so I went to the doctor and he gave me bupropion HCl 75 mg which I looked up and would be fine with gear
History: Started lifting in 2012, was 120 lbs by the march I was 185 pretty solid. Had surgery at end of march on wrist and then I was no longer able to lift and after I got cleared I was hooked on my girl and then we broke up I got depressed (still kind of am but trying to make best of it and I seen doctor). So now I weight 140 lbs currently. And I work as a laborer in factory on my feet 10 hours a day lifting 50-70 lbs doors all day.
Squat- (previous 315) now: 175
Bench- (previous 265) now: 165
Deadlift- (previous 345) now: haven't done yet
Height: 5'9
Weight: (previous 185) now 140
You're going to do what you want to do, we know this and you know this. I get the feeling you're looking for someone to give you a real good reason not to.
Here's two:
1. You're 21, and if you lost a QUARTER of your body weight that quickly, something with your diet is very, VERY wrong. You haven't spent nearly enough time in the gym to build up your base, nor develop enough of a routine to really take advantage. Frankly, you'd likely be wasting your money.
2. AAS amplifies emotions. If you're sad, you'll get VERY sad; angry? Hulk rage time. I totally understand the need to get out of a dark place, but I promise that hormones (unless you're truly hypogonadal) are NOT the answer.
I would take the time to keep building yourself back up. Make those connective tissues nice and strong - you don't want to wreck your wrist again, which could happen if you're suddenly pushing vastly more weight.
As to your Mr O comment, what age do you think these guys are competing seriously at? You are aware that many of them are in their FORTIES right? It takes a very long time to create dense, well-developed muscle structure, not something that happens in two years of being on AAS. Contrary to whatever Mr Lloyd says on his channel.
My .02c![]()