Deca and its Impact on Joints


This is an article I wrote up after gathering research on the subject over time. Looking for input.

Deca and Its Impact on Joints

Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) has been anecdotally known to reduce joint pain. Many state that this is likely caused from water retention in the joint but in reality no one really knows the mechanisms involved in Deca reducing joint pain, or its impacts on healing for that matter. I will attempt to answer Deca's joint pain relief abilities a bit better than most out there and base it on documented research and my own personal experience.

I will not go into a description of Deca or how to cycle it but what I will cover is a bit of joint basics. The joint must be looked at as a complex unit but mainly, we can focus on tendons, ligaments, bones and cartilage. Most lay-person discussions out there focus on what they feel Deca does to their tendons. This is actually incorrect when it comes to joint pain for 2 reasons. First, tendons as well as ligaments make up a joint but ligaments mainly maintain control of correct joint tracking. Second, most pain radiates from a specific area called the periosteum, or lining of the bone. The Periosteum is what tendons and ligaments attach to and it contains significant nerve endings, making it sensitive to manipulation. Tendons and ligaments themselves do not have nerves so they, in fact, are not specifically the cause of pain. Cartilage can also play a role in pain generation but these mechanisms involved are complex and essentially unknown to the medical world so it will not be dealt with here.

Having this background, let's talk about some ways Deca benefits our joints. Simplistically, Deca has been shown extensively to increase bone density [no reference given] and collagen production [1] with collagen making up a major portion of tendons and ligaments. I say simplistically because other AAS', such as Stanozolol, will also increase collagen production but seems to have a different impact on our joints. Although bone density and collagen production is important, they are not the only factor that seems to help with joint pain.

Going further with our collagen thinking, a research article on artificial tendons shows Deca significantly increased both the stress and strain when the tendon was given the AAS and then loaded over time [2]. Loading meant giving the tendon a workout for a few days. What this increased stress and strain shows is that the artificial tendon could be pulled farther to failure and took more energy to do so but only after this daily workout was initiated for a week. Physically what could be seen in these loaded tendons is a distinct increase in actin fibers and the tendon itself was much thinner in diameter. The change seen in this study must obviously translate to the bone's Periosteum itself for pain reduction but the mechanisms involved were not studied. What is good to know is when using Deca, there are documented physical changes in the tendons, ligaments and bone hence most likely a change at their connection points.

Now let's talk about how Deca might make these changes. Deca's complexity on how it interacts with the body is amazing and this can specifically be seen in gene expression. In one study a muscle was administered Deca right after eliminating nerve connections and then compared to a muscle given Deca after 28 days from cutting the nerve. Between the two muscles, there was only a 16% gene expression correlation [3] with 122 and 123 genes were altered respectively with only 20 being the same gene. This means that Deca acts very differently on the body as the body stimulus changes. Referencing joints, we can only surmise from this that a very unique set of genes are altered within tendons, ligaments and bone when acted upon. This thinking would correlate well with the prior discussion on artificial tendon loading. In that study, the artificial tendon increased the protein actin only when loaded, hence a change in stimulus relates to a change in gene expression that shows itself physically. Unfortunately until genetic studies are done on ligaments and tendons, we will never know the specific genes being expressed.

How does this associated to real life? Many of us can talk on the joint pain relief Deca gives us while on cycling, including me. What I can elaborate on further is the physical changes seen in my own tendons. An MRI done on my ankle 8 weeks after initiating a Deca cycle with intense weight lifting showed thinning of my tendons in multiple locations. This came up as an anomaly to the MRI reader but obviously this was something I was expecting and even hoping for to confirm independent research.

So it seems the best way to get the most out of Deca for joint pain relief is by stressing the joints while cycling it. For us looking at this specific use, let's not forget that stress on the joint is not only in the form of weight lifting but can be impact related as well. With a caveat to overdoing it, the bottom line for Deca and joint pain relief: work out your joints harder while on your cycle and you will see more benefit from it.

1. Christian Hassager, et. al. Collagen synthesis in postmenopausal women during therapy with anabolic steroid or female sex hormones. Metabolism, vol. 39, Issue 11.
2. Ioannis K. Triantafillopoulos, et. al. Nandrolone Decanoate and Load Increase
Remodeling and Strength in Human Supraspinatus Bioartificial Tendons. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 32, No. 4.
3. Weiping Qin, et. al. Differential alterations in gene expression profiles contribute to time-dependent effects of Nandrolone to prevent denervation atrophy. 2010 Qin et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Great post Iren! I appreciate the research and wisdom. Going to add Deca to my next cycle. Will work my joints hard!
Great info Irentat, I just started deca 2 1/2 weeks ago and definitely feel better.
I had old shoulder problems that were getting very painful and "golfers elbow".

At 225mg/wk all pain is gone after only 2.5 weeks. I can finally bench again!

So, according to your research I should add in some power moves to stress the shoulder joint. I was thinking cleans, push press, and some strongman training once a week. Any thoughts?
Great info Irentat, I just started deca 2 1/2 weeks ago and definitely feel better.
I had old shoulder problems that were getting very painful and "golfers elbow".

At 225mg/wk all pain is gone after only 2.5 weeks. I can finally bench again!

So, according to your research I should add in some power moves to stress the shoulder joint. I was thinking cleans, push press, and some strongman training once a week. Any thoughts?

My last cycle regimen included heavier lifting done in a narrower range of motion along with very intense stretching. This methodology seems to focus on joints more than muscle. It worked for me.

What I would like is to determine impact related excercises for the shoulder. I am not familiar with anything here.
great post. I had acl surgery about 2 1/2 years ago and have pain when i sit on my knee or bend it too much. Im currently on week 3 of my test deca cycle and have noticed i can bend my knee all the way back and have no discomfort. I'll see tomorrow if i notice a change when i squat since before i had to really limit the motion because i could feel too much stress on the joint.

Deca helped me catapult my recovery but it was not what I started with. I suggest rebuilding that ACL a bit. I used prolotherapy for my ligaments with tremendous success. From there, Deca basically put my recovery on "steroids" but would not use it as the only way to heal.
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Interesting post. I think few will argue that one's joints feel better on deca (though I have no personal experience with deca).


1. Is the thinning of the tendons persistent beyond the deca cycle and would expect any adverse long-term effects from thinning of the tendons (like being more prone to trauma-induced tendon injuries in spite of better tendon function, etc)?

2. Do your joints just feel better on cycle with deca, or does deca have the potential to cause some permanent, positive changes in joint functionality (esp. in the context of abnormal baseline joint states, like recovery from injury)?
1. Is the thinning of the tendons persistent beyond the deca cycle and would expect any adverse long-term effects from thinning of the tendons (like being more prone to trauma-induced tendon injuries in spite of better tendon function, etc)?

2. Do your joints just feel better on cycle with deca, or does deca have the potential to cause some permanent, positive changes in joint functionality (esp. in the context of abnormal baseline joint states, like recovery from injury)?

1. If you are implying that thinner tendons will lead to being more likely to cause injuries, I say no. although I did not state it in my article, the "loaded/steroid tendon" "strain energy density" (energy to stretch per unit of area) was increased by over 200% compared to baseline both because the ligament could handle more stress and it was smaller in diameter.

Regarding permanent, maybe people just healed naturally while on it or maybe it does something. Me personally, I had back problems for over a decade that would not go away until getting on Deca. It has been only 9 weeks post cycle but the pain has not come back.

2. Great question I wish I could answer for sure but I have a damn good feeling that the changes are permanent. All I can say is that my ankles were improving slowly by doing lots of different thing to get them to recover but I was on a plateau. Once I started Deca, recovery went into overdrive and the pain has not come back. I cannot speak for those who say their pain comes back after cycling off. Maybe if someone was to document the pain on and then off we would get a much better idea. I did document my results but they can easily be clouded by the fact I used GH peptides at the same time.
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It has been seen that people who are very much active in gym and does regress exercise especially weight lifting, they sometimes gets back ache or shoulder pain problem.
These problems are common and it has been seen mostly, in people doing lots of gym. Chiropractor Dacula GA will help you get rid from back pain problem.
I cannot speak for this who say their pain come back after cycling off. Maybe if someone was to document the pain on and then off we would get a much better idea.

Not exactly documented but years ago I used a larger dose of Deca which seemed to have a permanent effect for about 1.5 yrs. until I stopped lifting as much/as often and got into running. That's when the pain came back for me.