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Anybody tried this combo, looking for a formula to convert these 2 together to get 450mg/ml (Deca 200mg/Cyp 250mg) Trying to cut down my injection volume. I suppose I will have to use Super Solvent to keep it in solution at that high a concentration. Any ideas or reciepes will be greatly appreciated.
It shouldn't be too difficult.

Deca is pretty much liquid at room temp, and cyp is pretty soluble.

I don't think you will need super solvent for that combo.....just BA/BB.
probably no solvent or maybe 5% ba at most. add the cyp and ba first, then heat til it clears. remove from heat asnd add deca. place on heat again til it clears then ad oil, heat mix and filter. heat sterilize and fireaway. i have done high mg combos similar to this but not exactly the same hormones
My first batch of cyp crashed w/ only 5%ba. I had to add 5%bb to it. Having the deca in there might take care of that though.

I personlly would not mix two hormones that are so different in the same batch. Make two seperate batches, and then combine a weeks worth at a time. If you had to lower the dose or wanted to raise the dose of either one, you would be screwed.