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I recently finished a 8 week cycle w/ prop (100mg ed) and tren (75mg ed) with great results....I currently weigh 210 lbs / 12% bf...over the next 6-8 weeks I am going to eat (healthy foods) my way to 225 lbs. I need help in designing a cycle. I want to weight 215 at 10% bf with the above compounds. What combination and amounts will I need to take to acheive this goal?

This is my 3rd cycle...prevous cycles were Sustanon/Primo and the above mentioned prop/tren...the later returning the best results.
deca 400mgs
eq 400mgs
winny 50mgs ed
prop 100 eod

Thats how i would stack it if it was me. Similar stats to yours 205 11% bf
you wouldnt have to do them ed or eod because of the longer esters
I would do deca 400mgs once a week and on another day of the week i would do eq at 400mgs a week
Liquid Femara

Will femara be suficiant as the anti-estrogen for this cycle or should I add nolva...I have been told (yikes) the femara will reduce water there any truth to that?
Re: Liquid Femara

dallasskyline said:
Will femara be suficiant as the anti-estrogen for this cycle or should I add nolva...I have been told (yikes) the femara will reduce water there any truth to that?

Letro is an Anti-E, therefore it will help with bloat, by blocking the conversion of the Test to Estrogen.

Nolva is a SERM, I would only use it if you start to develop gyno.
jb28ca said:
no exp. with femara always keep some nolva on hand just incase of any estrogenic sides begin to occur

What estrogenic sides are you thinking of ??

Other than help with gyno, Nolva isn't going to do a whole lot.
I keep some nolva on hand for that exact reason if gyno symptoms show i will take some nolva to help combat the excess estrogen
How much/often should I take the Femara? Is there a better alternative than Femara...I have no experience w/ Armidex but it appears to be a widely used anti-estrogen, but there a knock off version? With the combination of the deca/winny/prop/eg are there any not-so-obvious side effects or pitfalls to watch out for?
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I have not read/heard anything about a syngergistic effect the tow compounds have when combined...I have not used Deca before and already have the afore mentioned gear...and just want to try a new stack...
Thanks...are you taking the deca and eq once a week? I was thiking of adding Winstrol (winny) to the cycle...someone recommended 50mg ed (see above thread) that consistant with yout thinking?
Use Winny....which in my opinion would be a great Idea (winny stands close to tren IMO). I would run that cycle like this.

Drop the Deca....

weeks 1-12 EQ 400mgs/week (shoot mon. and thurs.)
weeks 1-12 Prop 75mgs/ed
weeks 6-12 Winstrol (winny) 50mgs/ed

and use some Arimidex/Liquidex (same's just liquid form). @ .5mgs/ed
or some Letro @ 2.5 mgs/eod
or if you didn't want to shoot the prop ed for 12 weeks....switch to enanthate, and shoot it with the EQ on mon and thur. for the 12 weeks.