Deca Sustanon (sust) cycle please please please help me

am i Fred

New member
Deca sust cycle please please please help me

I ran a 6 week deca/sust cycle of 200 /g and 250 mg from mid november 2010 to the end of december 2010. Between the second and 3rd week of January I noticed I was "shooting blanks". Now it is feb 6th and I am no longer shootting blanks but I have NO SEX DRIVE whatsoever. Even porn can't get me up. Bc it was only 10 ccs of each I was told by my trainer I needed no post cycle therapy (pct) so I took nothing. No clomid or anything. My test levels r low (119:9) and my doc said in a month it shud come back. Is he right and do you think my hormones and hpta will ever come back? This is my first and only cycle. Any advice wud be greatly appreciated. Thanks and god bless!

Also my shots were 2 ccs every 5 days alternating between substances, but I skipped my last deca shot so total 10 ccs of sust and 8 shots of deca. Also I just turned 21 and my natural test was 504.
You have no business doing a cycle at your age.
The fact that you believed your trainer and proceeded to use without a pct is just retarded.
There is hope for you however, do yourself a favor, get some pct and read more