Deca, Test, HCG Cycle Help and Advice

Hey, so I'm new to this site so bare with me. I was wanting/looking advice on a cycle I'm trying to get together.
Stats: 5'11" 180 pounds 10% body fat Age:25

Weeks 1-12 400mg Test E
Weeks 1-10 325mg Deca
Arimidex - taken as needed (.5g per week up if needed)
HCG - 250iu x2 week

Post Cycle - Nolvadex (3 weeks after last pin)

My questions are:

With the HCG I would like to run it throughout my cycle, should I start it from the very beginning or from the third week on? Also when would I discontinue the use of HCG?

I also have 800mg of Test Cyp, I was wonder whether it would make a difference if I use it for the first two weeks and switched to Test E or use it the last two weeks in place of the Test E?

I have an understanding of what I believe to be correct but I just wanted some input and confirmation!
Run the test a little higher. Say 500-600. And run it by itself. I'm assuming this is your first cycle and the test is all you want or need right now. Adex has a schedule and it's not "as needed." Start your HCG at week 3 is fine and run it 4-5 days prior tp PCT. And i would add clomid in there if it were me for 4 weeks, not 3. And save that cyp for now.
This is my second cycle, first hard cycle.

With the HCG would I up my dose or take more days leading into post? Or just keep HCG same 2x week. And by prior I'm assuming you mean 4 days into the pct?

This is my first time dealing with HCg, feel like its more beneficial to run it rather then not.
Sorry for assuming. I just keep the HCG the same. And by "prior" i mean before PCT starts. And yes, more beneficial for sure. Have fun.
HCG from the beginning.

Test Cyp and test Enth are just about literally identical in ever way, shape, and form. I wouldn't even bother preloading @ 800mg for the first couple weeks..

Also, your AI ( Arimidex ) should be taken from the first day, up until a few days before you start PCT. A dose of .25 - .5mg EOD should be good.
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Its all good brother. Thanks for the repsonses.

I have 10,000 iu hcg pharmaceutical, it says good for 60days after use but also states it can be good for longer. Would it last if stored properly all the way up to my pct.