Deca vs. NPP

amore169, i do have my diet in check. Unfortunately I'm an ectomorph and a hard gainer. I managed to gain as much as possible naturally and decided it was time after lots and lots of research. getting from 150 lbs to 170 lbs over the last two years took a lot of hard work and force feeding.
could i get away with pinning the NPP twice a week only? say 200 mgs on Monday and 200 mgs on Thursday. the half life of the phenyl prop is 3-5 days so if my off day is sunday it should be okay, any thoughts. also i would most likely pin the test E once a week, i see no reason to split a long ester into two pins per week.
Run NPP. Deca will shut you down hard and takes a while to recover from. If you blast and cruise then Deca is OK but if your gonna post cycle therapy (pct), NPP would be my choice.
also i would most likely pin the test E once a week, i see no reason to split a long ester into two pins per week.

the reason is for stable blood levels, when you take the shot you will start peaking and then coming down the rest of the week and it's possible you could be feeling like shit by the end of the week but, I guess it's up to you if you don't then you could do it once a week if you really wanted to. though there's also other things like taking a shot of all that test at once you will aromatize more vs. splitting the shot up. again it's still up to you, if you can manage all those things.