Deca & Winstrol with post cycle therapy (pct) advise for post cycle therapy (pct) lay out

Deca & Winstrol with PCT advise for PCT lay out

I know I shouldn't run deca alone, but I don't want to run test cuz ill get too freaking big.
I'm just trying to get a a harder look and lube my joints up and lean up. (Im aware why you should add some test)
This is my 3nd cycle in 4 years, last time I ran Sustanon (sust) 250 and whinny no post cycle therapy (pct) and paid the price.
a year later I got some pure HGH (6 month cycle)from the phzier company (not the watered down stuff in the US) while was overseas, 5.8 ml cost 500 bucks. Went from 220lbs to 250lbs in 4 months.
goal was to bench 500 and ended up with 485, attempted 500, but felt a tear in my shoulder going down and racked it.
that imbalance I had from not doing a post cycle therapy (pct) on my 2nd cycle went away and I've never felt better afterwards. I wish I could get my hands on more.

This is what i have on hand:
weeks 1-12 /2 cc of Deca
weeks 7-12/2 cc winstrol 2x a week

post cycle therapy (pct) I have enough 25mg of proviron along with 10mg nolvadex.
I have HCG which I've been hearing different views and I have amredix.Is Amredix to be use through out the whole cycle?

I'm 29yr/6ft/250/17%BF with very good size a def
Ive been power lifting for 15 years 450 Bench, 500 squat, 315 PC.
Goal is 215-220 weight solid and cut.
meals are comsumed we needed
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If you don't wanna run test with deca, then have fun with deca dick... And you need to do more research homie. Adex is not used for post cycle therapy (pct) it's an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which should be used during cycle. You need clomid and nolva for your post cycle therapy (pct). No offense but this cycle is a mess. You really haven't done a proper cycle except for maybe your hgh. You should honestly do a test only cycle. I know you think you're going to get "too big" on test but if you bulk or cut it's all diet dependent.
If you don't wanna run test with deca, then have fun with deca dick... And you need to do more research homie. Adex is not used for pct it's an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which should be used during cycle. You need clomid and nolva for your post cycle therapy (pct). No offense but this cycle is a mess. You really haven't done a proper cycle except for maybe your hgh. You should honestly do a test only cycle. I know you think you're going to get "too big" on test but if you bulk or cut it's all diet dependent.

This ^^. Especially the more research and Test only advice.