Decent results for being on third cycle?


New member
Hello all,

Here are my stats:
Age: 22 yo
Weight: 170lbs
Height: 5'5"
BF%: 15?

So I've been training for a couple years and started my first cycle around this time last year and am now starting cycle three.

I believe I started with: 13.5" cold flexed
Currently at: 15.75" cold flexed (with a 14.5" cold relaxed).

Would like input as to whether these specific results are considered good at this point in time. Also, what is generally considered a good size or goal for my height for arms? My calf is about 16" (Ive never directly targeted them, just good genetics) and neck is 16" so everything's mostly proportional (bicep being .25" smaller)

Nevermind the size of your arms, can you list your last cycles you did and your complete plan for your third cycle???
I have to agree with Milton here.
Bloodwork is a Very Important Part of any Cycle, that a lot of Guys Omit doing.

And in your case, in becomes Doubly Important as you started Cycling at Too Young of an age.
So without the Bloodwork, you could be having Health Issues that you are not aware of............... JP
Don't Wait till something happens to address your Health.
When doing AAS ~ You Must Be Proactive !
So this is 3rd cycle in one year? 2 1/4 gain in arm size is good. How far are you into 3rd cycle? What was your arm size beginning first cycle? Of course do bloodwork as mentioned above.
2.25 inches on arms is probably non typical for the third cycle......unless you gain and lose every cycle. Curious how your last 2 cycles ended up after pct. What do your PCTs look like? Did you recover fully after each cycle before starting the next one.....with blood work to confirm it for you?
Sorry for all the questions. I have a few more but I'll stop with those:)
Good luck bro
I have to agree with Milton here.
Bloodwork is a Very Important Part of any Cycle, that a lot of Guys Omit doing.

I have to agree with both of you. The only thing that irritates me to hell is not having a pre cycle bloodwork for reference...feels like shooting in the dark now :(
Well guys, I did not have pre cycle bloods, but I have done them periodically since that point.

First cycle was 8 weeks Test E 500mg/wk with 12.5mg EOD aromasin (BW confirmed this to be a good dose with Estradiol at 40 and high side of normal range) and last 2 weeks + 2 weeks post utilizing 60mg ED Anavar I had (I had gotten advice not to do an Anavar only cycle so that's why I had some and delayed using it until a proper cycle per recommendation was done).

Second cycle was Test E 600mg/wk for 10 weeks, with 50-75mg ED Tbol weeks 1-4 and 40-60mg ED Winstrol weeks 8-12. Aromasin added throughout per BW.

This third cycle I have planned out (and currently doing) is Test E 600mg/wk for 12 weeks as I didn't feel orals were absolutely necessary, due to taking accutane and finishing that very recently. I haven't had bloods during this third cycle yet (they are paid for already however) but am currently taking 12.5mg Aromasin EOD.

PCT for first two cycles was Nolva and Clomid at 40/40/20/20 and 100/75/50/50, two weeks following. This cycle I have just Clomid planned at the moment at 100/75/50/50.
Late reply was my bad. Hope to still hear from a few of you. Unfortunately, I don't have beginning measurements other than arms and waist size.