you should not be using it even on second cycle, and tren IS over hyped you are expecting too much from this steroid and most likly steroid in general (even i did when i started out). you have never done a cycle so dont understand steroids DONT do that much, most of the work IS YOU. it would take years of aas use for any decent gains, so dont worry about 1 or 2 cycles. if you think you are goign to get buff with a couple cycles you are in lala land. if your in for long haul do it right, if not dont bother.
your wrong for doing tren on first cycle or even 4th or 5th cycle and it can be with some of the worst side effects to the point people cant sleep, are depressed, tired and cant ever use tren again. some will sware it off for life!
you are reading drug profiles and people hyping tren up. Bad idea.vv(read ADVICE from KNWON members to YOUR situation.
you have no idea what you are doing and NO ONE is going to agree with you here, if thats what you are looking for.
good luck
hope you and are not a tard like 90% of the noob people looking to hear what they want.