Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide (DSIP) - More Than Just a Good Night’s Rest……


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A good night's sleep for your research subjects, sounds great right? Well it means so much more than just some good rest for them. With all the research we do that involves observation of muscle hypertrophy there are a few things that should be mentioned re: a good night's sleep and how these 2 things go hand in hand.

After we cause our research subjects to undergo muscular resistance 2 things are crucial for recovery and muscle hypertrophy. They are nutrition and REST. While mammals sleep is when their bodies are at their peak as an anabolic organism. Growth hormone and melatonin which both play a crucial role in tissue recovery and immunity are both produced the most as mammals sleep. Growth Hormone increases cell production and regeneration.

There is also something called the post absorptive period. It is the period after nutrients have been assimilated into the blood. At this time the nutrients are then metabolized and used to build muscle tissue. The single longest post absorptive period as well as the single longest anabolic period is when research subjects sleep!

Cortisol: This hormone has to be mentioned. If a research subject does not get enough sleep, levels of this catabolic hormone gets too high and as a result muscle may be lost!

So as you can see above the importance of sleep goes much farther than research subjects feeling good and well rested, it is crucial for muscle growth and repair!

So let's talk about Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide (DSIP), what it is, what it does, and tie this all together! DSIP is a neuropeptide, which are peptides neurons in the brain use to communicate with one another. It was long ago discovered in research that increasing communication of neurons within certain parts of the brain can have a profound effect. In this case that effect is a deeper, more restful, healing sleep.

There are essentially 5 stages of sleep however these can be broken down into 2 categories REM and NREM sleep- Which translates to Random Eye Movement and Non Random Eye movement sleep. The problem with many sleep aids for research purposes is that they change the time or duration of these sleep cycles. The problem with this is these cycles are ALL associated with important physiological processes and anabolic hormone production. DSIP in no way changes these sleep stages. It increases the ability for our research subject to go to sleep and offers a more restful sleep.

There are several other interesting effects of DSIP. It has been shown in research to improve hormonal levels, psychological, and even physical performance! It has been demonstrated to assist in the reduction of persistent or chronic pain in research subjects (analgesic properties). Found in the hypothalamus and pituitary as well as adrenal glands in research subjects, administration of DSIP seems to improve the hormone production of every one of the aforementioned glands for example LH (more)and Somatostatin OR growth hormone inhibiting hormone(LESS). This results in increased production of desirable hormones (LH, GH), and decreased production of undesirable ones (cortisol and somatostatin).

It is my hope after reading this that people start to understand the benefits of this peptide to our particular areas of research. As stated above it goes way beyond a good night's sleep to the point of fostering an anabolic environment priming muscle growth and repair with several added benefits as well.

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* Growth hormone secretion during sleep
*Is Cortisol Leading You Down the Catabolic Pathway? January 4, 2001 By Rehan Jalali
* Neuropeptides and Other Bioactive Peptides: From Discovery to Function, L.D.Fricker, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2012, ISBN 978-1-61504-521-1, DOI 10.4199/C00056ED1V01Y201204NPE002
* How Important Is Getting Enough Sleep For Building Muscle? | LIVESTRONG.COM
* The effects of delta-sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP)... [Brain Res. 1987] - PubMed - NCBI
* Delta-sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP): a... [Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 1984] - PubMed - NCBI
* McCann SM. Delta sleep inducing peptide (DSIP) stimulates the release of LH but not FSH via a hypothalamic site of action in the rat. Brain Research Bulletin 15: 535***8211;538. 1987
* Schoenenberger GA. Characterization, properties and multivariate functions of Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide (DSIP). European Neurology 23: 321***8211;345. 1984.
* Rolf Ekmanb; Frank Sundlerc; Erik Widerlvd. Delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP): An overview of central actions and possible relationship to psychiatric illnesses. Nord J Psy, 42:2;111-117. 1988

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