Design my cycle 40lbs off


New member
Hello all im 22yrs 6.15 height 242lbs weight Bf 25 been doing gym for soon 4 years now almost just bulking up and getting size except the time i went to army anyway im now on PCT at my first cycle needing to start cutting up and design good cycle for getting that fat burn.I was thinkin going test+tren and winny or anavar but should i leave the tren because of the cardio problems i also have some primobolan heard its a very good for cutting too but havent much researched it yet so tips for that too if someone got

Im now at my 2month pct starting my diet and joggin wanting to lose about 40lbs 2months+16week cycle all tips and advices are welcomed ! thanks
I say clen and a off fat burner do cardio on empty belly 1 hrs at the time trust me it works lost 80 lbs natural with super clean diet cardio and no aas lost all that weight in 2.5 mths brother