Dextrose, maltodextrin, Protein - when, where, and how!?!


The Pitbull is within...
OK - Here is the general idea.
Dextrose + protein is good post workout
Carbs + protein is good PRE workout
Matlodextrin + little protein is good DURING workout


When exactly are these taken?
How much of each is taken?

This is for bulking, prevention of lactic acid, and basic recovery.

Please let me know what is the best.
inssane said:
Dextrose + protein is good post workout

True, helps restore muscle glycogen levels post-workout.

inssane said:

Carbs + protein is good PRE workout

I don't agree......a small amount of carbs for energy (apple) works great, but not much more. You want to deplete your muscle glycogen levels during your workout so you can load up after.

inssane said:

Matlodextrin + little protein is good DURING workout

I don't agree....... You want to deplete your muscle glycogen levels during your workout so you can load up after. Just drink some water during your workout.
Re: Re: Dextrose, maltodextrin, Protein - when, where, and how!?!

StoneColdNTO said:
True, helps restore muscle glycogen levels post-workout.

I don't agree......a small amount of carbs for energy (apple) works great, but not much more. You want to deplete your muscle glycogen levels during your workout so you can load up after.

I don't agree....... You want to deplete your muscle glycogen levels during your workout so you can load up after. Just drink some water during your workout.

(1) I agree.

(2) I disagree. I like to load up on carbs before a workout. This gives me all the energy I need to make it through a DC workout. If I didn't load on carbs I would get 1/2 way through a workout and not be able to finish with maximal strength.

Although, I agree with you if you are cutting and plan on doing cardio after your workout. Use the workout to deplete glycogen and then cardio will use mostly fat as fuel.

But IMO, the most important times to eat carbs are pre and post workout

(3) I like to drink some water + carbs during a workout. See (2)
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I think another benefit of carbs during a workout is increased brain function due to the increased levels of blood glucose for the brain to use as fuel. I don't know, but I would assume that this could increase maximal strength.
I eat some carbs, usually some oats before I train with a small amount of protein. (about an 1-1 1/2 hrs before)
I don't take in any carbs and/or protein during my session. I do however make sure I drink like a liter and a half of water during my training session.
Post workout, you definitely need to load up on the carbs to replensih glycogen levels. I like the 2:1 carbs to protein ratio.
Fyre said:
I eat some carbs, usually some oats before I train with a small amount of protein. (about an 1-1 1/2 hrs before)
I don't take in any carbs and/or protein during my session. I do however make sure I drink like a liter and a half of water during my training session.
Post workout, you definitely need to load up on the carbs to replensih glycogen levels. I like the 2:1 carbs to protein ratio.

This is almost exactly what I do.
I didn't mention.
This is regarding BULKING.

Also, I have both maltodextrin and dextrose. When can I use each??