Dextrose , should I use it ?

ball22 said:
What exactly does it do for you ?
When is the BEST time to take it ?
How much should someone consume ?

1) it helps create a high insulin response which if used correctly will help greatly.
2) Best time to take would be post workout with ur whey protein shake.
3) This would depend on ur stats as well as how ur activity level was. U could start at lets say 100gms and work ur way up or down if u see it's effecting u negitivly...
well I can attest to the effectiveness of Dextrose, before I stared using it I was having a hard time recovering, for about 6 months I have been using 125g dextrose, 65g whey in my PWO shake, and I noticed a huge difference in recovery, BTW I am 5' 10" 197lbs
125 g of dextrose is not a small amount, bro.
I'm sure you're not so prone to get fat on you, because I've more or less your stats and use 50/60 g on pwo.
where is the cheapest place to buy dextrose. Can you recomend an amount for me, im 185 5'7, bot sure of body fat but its on the high side but im not fat. I would not like to get any fatter lol. I was thinking of 50gm of whey after my workout. I used to buy post work out shake already mixed but i wanna stop doing that. Im just gonna buy optimum whey and take it throught out the day and after my workout with dextrose. thanks