DHT Cycle - Finastride - On cycle

What is the easiest way to loss fat and gain muscle mass? this seems to be the same question in many posts with many diferent compounds which have been named.
It should aid with Testosterone DHT hair loss, odds are that it wont work against DHT's shedding.

keep us posted!
If hairloss is an issue I would stay clear of Tren. Masteron. Anadrol. Dbol and winstrol. All those made my hair shed like crazy. And finasteride wont save your hair from those either

this goes for all steroid users id say. one would think since they inject testosterone they will grow more hair but the other compounds interfere and hair loss is a sad side effect of low estrogen/prolactin levels and mismanagement of bloodlab control.
if you learn to stay dialed into your bloodlabs then it should go well, in theory.