if your on TRT , then you can blast Dbol anytime you want . Heck I take dbols just as pre-workouts sometimes. or sometimes I'll do a 4 week long blast. you don't have to worry about hpta suppression
Any gains to be kept?
I can't wait for you to try ment and tell us what you think it's like compared to d bol Pre workout and such
I'll be running the injectable Ment ace (not the oral) . so at 50mg the absorption rate should be 95%
absolutely , especially being on TRT . most guys lose dbol gains cause they get wet and super high estrogen gains and run dbol only cycles , then they get off dbol and are totally shut down with no testosteone in their system to preserve muscle and so lose the gains.
control your estrogen (unless your going for strength gains) and keep a higher TRT dose post dbol cycle and you will maintain the gains
So maybe add 3 or 400 mg test prop after 4 weeks of dbol or before ending the dbol?
you can just run a higher level of TRT/cruise while on dbol and then continue that after you cease taking dbol. 250mg or so of test a week should help you maintain gains
weeks 1-5 - 40mg dbol per day
weeks 1++ - 250mg test per week
if your on TRT already , you can just stick with that , and just bump the dosage up slightly. if I recall, your on doc prescribed TRT right?
Yes. .8 cc twice a week. 320 mg I think.
So if I do a 4 week blast, how long do I wait to do another blast? 4 weeks?