Diananbol need some help and bit of advise


New member
To start it off i am 17 years old and looking to start d-bol cycle im a rugby player moved up to mens rugby this season and now being pushed up to 1st team level but i only weight 187lb and need to put some size on .
At the moment i train hard 5 times a week have good rest periods of at least a day eat big and take usn weight gain but not seeing alot really from the last 6 months

I was thinking of running 30-35mg ED and slowly reduce it towards end of the cycle by 10mg each week probably so my body doesnt just have a drop off point from the dbol i just wanted some advice on what else to take with it i know alot of guys say take test but i was wondering if it would have to be injectable or could you take test boosters like ZMA or tribulus ? Also i get about 4000 cals a day should i stay at this or up them while on cycle

Just to let you all know i have done quite a bit of research into this and i know ill still get the comments telling me im a idiot for doing this as im only 17 but at the end of the day its my own choice but i still appreciate that you would be trying to put me off it as im still pretty much a kid , any replys would be helpfull cheers guys
To start it off i am 17 years old and looking to start d-bol cycle im a rugby player moved up to mens rugby this season and now being pushed up to 1st team level but i only weight 187lb and need to put some size on .
At the moment i train hard 5 times a week have good rest periods of at least a day eat big and take usn weight gain but not seeing alot really from the last 6 months

I was thinking of running 30-35mg ED and slowly reduce it towards end of the cycle by 10mg each week probably so my body doesnt just have a drop off point from the dbol i just wanted some advice on what else to take with it i know alot of guys say take test but i was wondering if it would have to be injectable or could you take test boosters like ZMA or tribulus ? Also i get about 4000 cals a day should i stay at this or up them while on cycle

Just to let you all know i have done quite a bit of research into this and i know ill still get the comments telling me im a idiot for doing this as im only 17 but at the end of the day its my own choice but i still appreciate that you would be trying to put me off it as im still pretty much a kid , any replys would be helpfull cheers guys
Im 12 years old and im ready for my first cycle.
To start it off i am 17 years old and looking to start d-bol cycle im a rugby player moved up to mens rugby this season and now being pushed up to 1st team level but i only weight 187lb and need to put some size on .
At the moment i train hard 5 times a week have good rest periods of at least a day eat big and take usn weight gain but not seeing alot really from the last 6 months

I was thinking of running 30-35mg ED and slowly reduce it towards end of the cycle by 10mg each week probably so my body doesnt just have a drop off point from the dbol i just wanted some advice on what else to take with it i know alot of guys say take test but i was wondering if it would have to be injectable or could you take test boosters like ZMA or tribulus ? Also i get about 4000 cals a day should i stay at this or up them while on cycle

Just to let you all know i have done quite a bit of research into this and i know ill still get the comments telling me im a idiot for doing this as im only 17 but at the end of the day its my own choice but i still appreciate that you would be trying to put me off it as im still pretty much a kid , any replys would be helpfull cheers guys

when I was 17 all i cared about was pussy
When I was 15...I was looking for empty swimming pools to ride my skateboard but found a river instead.So I floated on some makeshift rafts.For 7 miles!
Can someone explain why the date on the first reply to this is in 2005 and the post say the member only joined mar 2012? Is this a problem with the threads or is someone messing with the board to get old posts to look new? If so what's the point?

Edit- scratch that I was reading the wrong date but I have noticed that happening on a few threads can someone explain?
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I did some gear when I was young and tbh your making a mistake. However if your like me you will do it anyway despite being told your wrong. Its better to be safer and get some proper advise before leaping into anything.
Yeah thats why im on here looking for good advice but seems like some guys just cant do that , Might not even do it just want to know about it before i even think more about going on dbol alot of the guys i know have done cycles and some of the collages round here even give you hints to get on it . So anyone gona give me some info on this ?
they are giving you the best advice.

At your age diet and training are what you need to focus on. Can make great natural gains in size quickly.
Something you have to be aware of Olijnyk... Dianabol (make sure it says Methandrostenolone or Methandrostenolona somewhere on that label) will cause your bone plates to knit shut if you are not fully mature. This will prevent you from growing taller. You shouldn't do ANY steroids at 17, and the worst possible choice for you would be Dianabol. Your body is naturally cranking out testosterone in high volumes. That is why teenagers tend to have zits, and have a high sex drive. I would take that Dianabol that you have, put it in a drawer for a year or two, THEN think about taking it. I highly advocate the use of steroids, but once you have fully past puberty. Just my two cents.
Hahn cheers for the help , i have been looking into it for a while now and thinking about doing it but i probably wont in the end but to be honest i don't want to grow any more im already pretty wide and 6"3 :/ haha . For now im just gona try eat a bit more and get my nutrition completely nailed down and if anything probably start off with a pro hormone which i doubt. but if i do before i try steroids (dbol) will most likely go down that rout first
Go look at the sticky Orals only. Dbol is a horrible idea. Go read up on Dbol only cycles. Do a forum search for Dbol only. You'll get your.Anwser
I have done quite alot of research on it thats why im pretty sure i wont do them now as alot of people say you wont keep alot of the gains and most of your gains will just be the water retained in the muscles but i have seen some guys saying they only gained a few lbs from it out of the 20od they did have but still kept some of the strenght gains which cant be that bad a thing right ?
I wanted to some help on Pro hormones as well as iv havnt been doing that much of research on them as i only knew about them the other day but is the only difference between them and steriods is that steriods but the hormones into your body and PH's enhance the hormones that are allready in your body ? I know you lot are still probably thinking im stupid for asking things like this but would Prohormones be a better idea than jumping straight onto things like dbol ?
You want to gain weight...So eat more...eat often.

Buy some mass builder weigh gain..drink it with milk.

You may just be training too hard with a fast metabolism...So drugs at this point won't do much.

So you may want to carry food to your workouts.

Dbol is not right for someone who's running fast and all over the place.

if you keep using a little dbol everytime..you may shut off permanently (no test)each time until you don't shave anymore....but once every 5 days.

You'll have suppressed test readings.You're going to feel old when you should feel young.
you're only 17,by the time you're 25..you'll act like a 45 year old man
not to mention dbol fucks with ur cardio
dbols for bulkin not athletic sports
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bro if you did your research then you would of layer out the cycle with the post cycle therapy (pct), and wouldn't run dbol only. No will help you because they don't want you to fuck up. If your going to take steroids at that age, then it better be because your going to be a bodybuilder other wise fuck it :)
save your money on garbage supplements, buy quality food.

I understand the pressure on younger athletes to get on the gear, but 17 is really pushing it. The longer you can hold off in athletics the better. If you have to use the steroid card at 17, how far do you really think you can really get? Is it worth potentially fucking up your body to such a great degree by starting gear early?