Did 3 week cycle of M1T and wondering about PCT


New member
Did 3 wk cycle of M1T.

10mg ED 1st week
20MG ED until end.

Only felt slight anger, muscle hardening, appetite loss, and little back acne.. went from 154 to 162 about and that was because I was not eating crazy amounts of food, just about 3800 cals a day think I would've did better at 4500 but did not want to get too much fat. Probably will lose 2 or 3lbs from water retention but overall it was okay.

I took 1 10MG in morning 1 at end of day. With each pill I took 1 TriPharm Liver support, Fish Oil, Multivitamins, and 750mg of Tribulus x2 a day...

Have nolva on hand but I think I will just keep using fish oils liver support multis and tribulus because I still feel fine and don't think I honestly will need it.

Any opinions on skipping out on nolva?
I would do some blood work and verify it, but from what I understand M1T is suppressive, so your HPTA axis is most likely shut down.
Dude, we told you NOT to run an oral only cycle. So if you're told not to skimp out on the PCT are you going to listen now?

I just can't fathom why folks ask for advice from guys that know better, are given the advice - but ignore it. But hey! It's your body and only you will suffer the consequences. :wiggle:

Oh, and good job on wasting money on tribulus. :doh::doh::doh::doh:
as halfwit said ' don't do oral only cycles' , whats done is done tho but your 'pct' is not good enough to have your natty t to raise. tribulus and liver support won't help there, do a 4 week clomid and nolva cycle. get bloods now and you will see you only feel fine but your body really isn't functioning properly. don't mess with that bro good luck
as halfwit said ' don't do oral only cycles' , whats done is done tho but your 'pct' is not good enough to have your natty t to raise. tribulus and liver support won't help there, do a 4 week clomid and nolva cycle. get bloods now and you will see you only feel fine but your body really isn't functioning properly. don't mess with that bro good luck

I would feel a difference I would think in my body if my T levels crashed. I feel the same, balls to the floor horny as fuck all the time. 3RD DAY off no Nolva and I am fine as of now.. I don't even think this M1T was that great.. Secret Society M1T. Didn't get anything crazy from it.
You just might have saved yourself by buying bunk M1T. Real M1T should produce profound gains, but is also so harsh on the body the recommended use length is very short.
That's why I can tell.. My body didn't have any super changes.


This is the bottle I bought.

Are they purchased from a supplement store? From what I have found in my research, this appears it could be the case. M1T is banned in the US and UK, so if you bought it from a store it cannot be real M1T since it is illegal for them to sell it. Also, from the size of those bottles, it would be a HUGE amount of M1T, WAYYY more than anyone would use in one run, let alone many bottles of it.