Cobra Strike
New member
So I just got home from bangin the bloodiest 20 year old ever...I originally planned on going to bed so I made my steak at 130 and brushed my teeth and got a booty call...Headed over to her place (im sober by the way) and gutted her ass...wiping blood all over her titties and shit. Went from the puss to the ass to her mouth...DAM I LOVE FREAKS!! I get home at, well its 5:21am so about 10 min ago, and Im about to crash but then I think I need to eat something for the 4 hours of sleep im about to get...pretty sure I burnt that steak off...I made a whey shake...should I have made another steak?? hungry as fuck!!!
question is...wwyd after 3 hours of freak nasty fuckin for a bedtime snack when its this early/late??? (or does this belong in the diet forum lol)
question is...wwyd after 3 hours of freak nasty fuckin for a bedtime snack when its this early/late??? (or does this belong in the diet forum lol)