Didn't know any better , no pct


New member
Hey guys ,

I ran one cycle of Test E 2 years ago and I only had Nolvadex on hand to keep estrogen levels down and used the rest of Nolvadex as Pct 20mg /day for 50 days.

Few months after I was done with my cycle , I got depressed, low energy , more sleeping, no sex interests ( no problems with erection ), my balls size are back to normal , lack of motivation, concentration and unable enjoy life or go back to the gym.

I never thought all of those problem originated from the cycle so I was getting treadted for depression.

I started using ZMA supplements to increase my test levels and man I feel much better than before.

I asked my doctor to check my testostrone but he refused.

I need to know if I should do a post cycle therapy (pct) and if I do it now , would it make any difference?

What do you guys think I should do ?
Is go to a doctor that will check your levels. Two years and no pct though your body will eventually recover or it might not considering you were on it for two years. I'd get a new doctor and get check cuz you might have low test now.
Is go to a doctor that will check your levels. Two years and no pct though your body will eventually recover or it might not considering you were on it for two years. I'd get a new doctor and get check cuz you might have low test now.

What I meant was that I did my cycle two years ago. The length of the cycle was 2.5 months
Recovery can take a long time without proper pct. Try using D aspartic acid to bring your test levels up. And you need bloodwork, its the only way to tell what's really going on. Private md labs. Com order the female hormone panel and go to ure nearest lab.
Recovery can take a long time without proper pct. Try using D aspartic acid to bring your test levels up. And you need bloodwork, its the only way to tell what's really going on. Private md labs. Com order the female hormone panel and go to ure nearest lab.

I thought that Nolvadex would do the trick.
Now I am trying to get my hands on some Clomid + the thing you told me about.
I live in Canada and I found it hard to convince any doctor to check my Test levels.
Alot of people use only Nolvadex on post cycle therapy (pct). It should be sufficient, especially if you only used Test E.

Its crazy that your doctor refused to check your testosterone levels. 1+ on bigherm's suggestion on getting a new one.
As these guys have said, the best thing you can do is get blood work done. It's imperative. Find yourself another doctor!
Alot of people use only Nolvadex on post cycle therapy (pct). It should be sufficient, especially if you only used Test E.

Its crazy that your doctor refused to check your testosterone levels. 1+ on bigherm's suggestion on getting a new one.

Man, I lived two years in the prison of depression, Thanks god things are getting better after ZMA supplements.
I am planning on trying what's on the market for boosting test levels along with some clomid and then go try a new doctor.
I am no expert but from my experience I think ZMA doesn't do anything or very little. Must be your placebo.