diet advice

I am a mma fighter and i have decied to fight at 205 because that is what my weight is at now. My question is about carb loading and when it impacts you. My biggest concern is getting gassed! I also would like to know if i should maintain my weight at 205 and just keep my diet the same 50g protein/30-40 carbs a meal. Or should i increase my calories and go up in weight in hope of adding some muscle because i am currently on cycle. My fight in is oct 7th and i want to make sure i have the correct amout of calories in my body to maintain me through my fight. Stamina has been a problem in the past and i would like to find a solution because im not lacking in the amount of cardio im doing. i have also increased all my reps in every excersie to 15reps.

Here is a break down of my schedule
9Am protein shake 48grams p and oatmeal
930am weight training
1015am cardio running,swiming laps, sprinting
11am 8oz lean groundbeef and whole wheat
1pm 6-8oz of chicken,black beans,brown rice
3pm 8oz of lean gb and with wholewheat bun
5pm 6-8oz chicken, salad with itl dressing and fruit
7pm protein shake 48grams p
730pm-9pm vale tudo
930 6-8oz chicken and brocali
11pm bed and protein shake 48grams
3am protein shake 48g

400mg tren a week
50mg clomid
40mg nolv

this is a current breakdown of my diet. i still feel tired during training so what should i do to increase my energy output as far as carbs.
My diet looks somewhat like yours, I find form eating that much food works great when lifting heavy weights, but any type of cardio and I am worn out. I tried using digestive enzymes, and they seemed to work for me. Or maybe I am on a cpmletely different page.