Diet and Training schedule.


New member
Looking for some constructive critisism on this plan of action.

Stats - 30 years old, 6'5" 295 lbs 29.8% BF (electronically)
Goals - 255/265 lbs, 19-22% BF

Training Schedule
7AM Cardio - 45 min. (Mon-Thur) 60 min. (Fri)
7PM Weight training - Mon (with trainer), Wed, and Friday

Diet Schedule
Mon through Sun.
Breakfast (9AM)
Snack (11AM)
Lunch (1PM)
Snack (3PM)
Dinner (6PM)*
Snack (8PM)**

* Friday is guilt-free night.
** High Protein/Low Carbs - Mon, Wed, Fri.

Total Calorie Intake = 4500 per day.
4500 calories a day is way too much. Your maintenance calories are somewhere in the neighborhood of 3100, unless your BF measurement is retardedly inaccurate. Even if your 45 minutes of cardio consisted of a continuous max effort sprint (slightly impossible) I dont know if you would be able to make up the caloric difference.

If you want to keep calories high-ish for all the good things that come with that, i would maintain a pretty significant calorie deficit on off-training days, say 2,000-2,500 - while overeating on training days 3,500-4,000 - as long as at the end of the week you are running a deficit - which assuming cardio and calorie restrictions on days you dont train with weights, shouldnt be hard.
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I was curious about the calories.

I thought it might be too much, however, I wanted to make sure I didn't burn muscle tissue for energy on the days I would weight train.

I wish it (BF%) was off. :(