Diet before steroids?!


New member
I was all set up to start my first cycle of steroid, I've done my research on different steroids and cycles and all the other drugs I need on stand by and for PCT.*

Anyway I came across an article on here that was talking about having a good diet before you start using steroids. It really made me look at my own diet, or lack of it.

So I started the research on diets and supplements. Talk about hard work. So many supplements and brands! So many different types of food, with different properties.*

If anyone could help me, what I'm looking for is a set menu for a week. Something that has perhaps worked for you? I know it might be a little lazy but I'm getting no where looking online and books. The diets are too broad, and with too much variety. I'm looking for something very specific and if possible simple. I just want the nutritional values I'm after, taste and variety arnt important. If I can get away with the same meal 6 times everyday I will, rather than different food for each meal. just to make it clear what I mean I'll eat a protein shake mixed with banana and tuna, raw eggs and oats if it will give me the nutiants I need haha, hopefully i won't need to do that tho.*

Im 6' and weigh 92kg, I'm pretty lean, not sure what my % fat is. Ideally I want to add lean muscle and keep the fat off. I train 3-4 times per week. I don't do much cardio, but get on my bike twice a week.*

Help would be gratefully received

I can't custom tailor a diet for you. thata reserved for my clients. If you post up a proposed diet I can critique it for free though
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