diet check, advice


I'm kind of a big deal...
I play lacrosse and run A LOT , I’m 20 5’9 160. It seems it is especially hard to gain weight during the season, which is understandable because I run so much….but let me know if this is good for bulking.

Bowl of shredded wheat with grape nuts and frozen blueberries with 2% milk. A scoop of 26g protein in 12oz of 2%
Between lunch and breakfast
Shake= 2 scoops of protein 52g 2 scoops of complex carb mix 57g in water
Tuna salad on wheat, turkey on wheat, 1 banana.
Between lunch and dinner
Shake= same as above
Steak or chicken, 2 veggies
Between dinner and bead
Shake=same as above.

I think that comes to about 2500 clean cals. I tried writing down every thing I ate but that got old, should I stick with it. any changes in diet you see that could be helped. I’m trying to gain but stay lean (working on the 6 pack). Should I wait to worry about the six pack until after I gain the weight I want?
i dont think 2500 calories is going to do it. Id start out at at least 3000-3500 and go from there, seeing as you play lax.

btw...youre going to working with weight, right?
ya i've worked out for a wile, just trying to get my diet in check for the first time. I hit the gym 4-5 times a week. its rough getting 3000+ cals a day, being in college and working. with the summer comming up it should be easier, i just have to work at it. any thing i could do diffrent with my diet or just eat more at meal time.
i dont know if you mean its hard to put down that much food, or its hard to squeeze that many meals into a day due to time constraints....but both become easier with time.

my recommendation would be to check the stickies at the top of the diet forum, as well as look through other threads in the diet forum. Theres countless sample diets. Just see what other people are eating and when they are eating it. Its not hard to put together an easy, effective diet.

PM me if you need any specific help.